Bill Bucolo on 5/3/03 said

>Just now realizing how much more I had with Netscape 4.79... PM doesn't
>allow linking of regular mail text to urls or to email addresses within
mail, doesn't
>notify when messages arrive or even regularly the check server for me
without an add-on... 
>And it seems kinda clunky overall compared to Netscape.  Maybe I'm just
a creature of habit but am really wondering what the point of PM is.  I
have plenty room for Netscape and IE in my machine, so am really
beginning to think I'm better off as is.

Well, far be it from me to say that what you like the best isn't what you
should use.!
Go for it!

PowerMail does have a free trial period, which admittedly has a small
database allowed, but you can work around this by periodically archiving
the database until you are sure you want it.

However, before you toss out PM for everything, let's go over your e-
mail. Reading backwards: 

1. What is the point of PM? To be a fast mail client that does not get
bogged down in HTML, among other things, and has a relatively small footprint.

2. Personally, I think Netscape is clunky and yes I have used it both for
mail and newsgroups. But, you can have a different opinion if you like.
PM DOES suffer because it can do a lot of things that are not documented
[well, maybe not easily found is a better way to put it], but usually
someone here can tell you how.

3. PowerMail can check the server as often as you want it to. Well, not
more often than every minute I guess. You can even set your different
servers to different schedules. It does notify you when messages come in
[I'm not sure how it does it on OS 9, in OS X it bounces the icon]. 

4. I'm not sure exactly what you mean about your e-mail addresses linking
with regular mail text, so I guess I'll leave that one alone for now.

P.S. I know the graphics programs have been a bit behind in catching up
with OS X and there are some people who are going to stay with their OS 8
or OS 9 systems forever, but I have to say that now that OS X is up to
10.2.5 I quite like it. I still have dual boot though and I'm not sure
I'd like that to go away.

Barbara Needham

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