On Sat, May 3, 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED], invoked powers
within the internet realm, to proclaim ...

>There are a few things I would like to see: 1. the ability to handle HTML
>in messages.  2. The ability to send to more than one contact when
>selecting them from Now and Up to Date/ Contact.  Just my thoughts.

Yikes! Although it was no longer supported, I was so happy to stick with
Claris Emailer for so long BECAUSE it didn't display HTML. When I bought
my new PowerBook in February, I decided to switch my email clients even
though Emailer still worked from Classic. There were just too many
choices of email clients not to switch, or at least look at what others
were offering since I was already learning a new OS and adjusting to
being a PowerBook user after all my previous Macs were desktop.

I bought PowerMail in February but didn't start using it until just last
month and am glad I switched to it from Mail because it doesn't display
HTML. I didn't think I'd like it much because it lacked the built-in spam
filtering that Mail has, but I never got the spam filter in Mail to work
which frustrated me to no end since that was my main reason for trying to
stick with it. PowerMail just has other features that I like more and I'm
diligent about creating filters to trash unwanted spam.

I don't want to have my email client bogged down with downloading a ton
of images and getting blasted with some porn stuff. It's too embarrassing
to try to check my email with someone seeing all the spam that blinks and
displays while I'm trying to quickly delete the message. It's bad enough
that I have to get spam so frequently, but I don't want the content
shoved in my face. The spammers keep finding ways to get around rules/
filters and appear as an innocent email, but when the subject or sender
doesn't immediately send off red flags, the HTML that leaps out is
something that I'm happy to avoid as much as possible.

The only HTML feature that I would like is the ability to search the text
of HTML for keywords that the filters don't catch and upon first glance,
the email looks legitimate. I don't know how possible it would be to
filter the HTML content without displaying the HTML, or downloading the
images, but it would sure make spam filtering much easier.

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