You def need that perl module...

Once you have it all installed you use your same accounts but check
through popfile which pulls from your servers.  For mine I believe my
login is user:popserver...  I am on my palm or I would tell you exactly
what it says.  You're close ...

"Geoff Roynon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have now downloaded popfile and am trying to install it. It is
>complaining about missing file "MIME/". I can probably download
>this from the internet.
>Once it is installed, do I need to add an extra Account to PowerMail?
>Should I copy the instructions for Eudora in the popfile instructions?
>On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 10:09:00 -0400 Jonathan Greene said:
>>It works as an email proxy so your mail passes through it on the way to
>>PM.  You need to set up at least two buckets (as they are called) -- at
>>least a spam and no spam option and then you use a local web page hosted
>>by your system to tweak the ratings.  I use six buckets and I am well
>>above 90% accuracy.

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