*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Mikke Byström said:

>1. Is PM 4 latest version 100% compatible with OS X 10.2.4?
Seems to be for me.

>2. Is PMs database stable these days under OS X 10.2?
Same reply as above.

>3. Are there incremental backup options, by Applescript or other means to
>other database formats? What are the options for backup?.
Don't know.

>4. When are the search functions scheduled to be improved?
What improvements are you looking for? PM uses Apple's VTwin search
engine which is probably better than any other search in an email client.

>5. Do PM have proper threading for mailing lists?
What do you mean?

>6. Is SMTP Auth supported for each account, if several?

>7. Is IMAP supported 100%?
I don't use IMAP so someone else will have to chime in, but I think so.

>8. Are there scripts or other means available to:
Scripts are kept here, PowerMail AppleScript Archives: <http://

>€replace windows and other "freak" characters in badly formatted emails?
Don't know, could probably be written.

>€remove superfluous "re:" and other repeating subject parts?
If you get my Burst package then "Clean eList Messages" script will do this.

>€make semiautomatic reports to Spamcop?
Don't know, could probably be written.

>€Clean text from mid paragraph returns and similar?
Could probably use something like TextSoap.

>€Synchronize the address book with apps like Palm?
iSync should do this if you keep all the addresses in OS X's Address Book.

>€ Totally delete one or several messages as well as their attachments?

>9. Are there any bugs, perhaps specifically for OS X, that there are
>workarounds for or that can be avoided if known?
Let me gaze into my crystal ball...

Andy Fragen
TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.2.4 - PowerMail v4.1.2

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