Dear Jonathan,

>Highlights... can this be an entire line instead of just a subject? 
>Seems to be an awkward implementation.

I think this is on purpose, as it allows you to start drawing a selection
rectangle from the "non-highlighted" points in a line. Otherwise, if the
full line was highlighted, starting a drag from a point within that
highlighted area would have to start a drag of the message instead of
starting to draw a selection rectangle - at least from a HIG perspective.

>Arrow Keys...Why can we not utilize the arrow keys in the recipients
>space to easily move to another contact.  Having to use the mouse is ok,
>but the keyboard is much faster - especially when combined with Shift+Tab

I think this is already possible:

*.. Ctrl-up/down: select recipient (if already entered)

*.. Starting to type: enter recipient

*.. Cmd-up/down: choose adressing mode 
    (To / CC / BCC, while entering recipient)

*.. Backspace: delete currently highlighted recipient

*.. Tab: move from Name to Address field (while entering address)

>Drafts... Anyway to set where these get saved?  Why in the Out Tray?  Why
>not in a Drafts Tray?  I have found no preference for this and find it
>can be easy to forget about a message or two...

Drafts are always at the top in the Out Tray (when sorted by "Sent" date
and if they haven't been sent yet, even if they are older than other sent
messages). Since I file sent messages with a filter away into their
corresponding folders, I can keep the Out Tray sorted by "Sent date"
without problem and see at a glance which messages are still in draft
mode. You may also sort by "Status", of course.

Regards, Christian.

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