No, no Alt key. Just a simple ctrl-click (actually a right-click with my
2-button mouse). As an idiot-test I also tried the normal-click-and-hold
which also calls the contextual menu for the dock item, and that also
shows Force Quit.

How strange! Apart from that small glitch PM is working fine.
G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.7  ::  PM 5.2.3  ::  3 pane mode

Shark Attack: A Design Studio

Original message:
Received from Rene Merz on 18/8/06 at 11:58

>Do-you press the "alt" key too when clicking into the dock icon?
>Then it offers allways "force quit".
>"quit" is given with mouseclick and mouse key down only or with mouse
>click + "ctrl" key

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