Art Wheat wrote:

>I've had a terrible time getting PowerMail to work on my new Mac. It 
>will launch OK but when I open most other windows within the application 
>it crashes.
>Any words of wisdom or help from someone who has had similar problems 
>would be greatly appreciated.
>I'm running on a G5 iMac
>2GB of RAM
>Mac OS X 10.4.7 (8J135)
>PowerMail 5.2.2 with SpamSeive 2.4

We are on PowerMail 5.2.3 an SpamSieve 2.4.4
You should make an update.

Ever repaired/updated the User Rights? (--> HD Serviceprogram or OnyX or
similar Tools)

If it doesn't help: Try a new installation of PowerMail

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