on Thu, Nov 2, 2006 "Bruce Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may
have said:

>  Had my first crash since using PM 5.5, I've dropped the crash log here:
>I was, I believe, trying to do a reply all. (Though as I recall
>I may have been doing something else at about the same time.)

Reply to / Replay All against a selection of emails has always been a
problem in PM. I get over 400 spam emails a day that I have to carefully
check because every now and again an important email gets improperly
marked. Anyway, after checking the list I use Cmd-A + Cmd-T to mark as
read and then delete the emails from the spam folder. Everynow and again
I do Cmd-R instead of Cmd-T and Reply To to over 400 emails.

Seems like it might be a good idea to limit the # of emails you can
reply to in one command to like 5 or 10. (Really, does anyone reply to
50 emails at once?)

All the same, it's a small issue.

Lane Roathe
President          Ideas From the Deep        <http://www.ifd.com>
If progress means moving forward, what does congress mean?

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