Charles Watts-Jones wrote:

>I have background indexing turned on and I'm using a relatively quick
>machine.  My message database is around 90 Mb, and when I do search PM
>can take more than 5 minutes to 'sort and optimize' my database.

You may try to compact your search index (from the menu File /
Database / Compact Search Index).

>Looking in my 'PowerMail Files' folder, I see that the 'Message
>Database index' dates from my last major PM upgrade in October 2006

This is in fact a file package, so the Finder does not reflect the
modification date of the files inside the package.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "PowerMail is the email client for me for several reasons:
    (1) the integrity of the database,
    (2) the incredible searching speed,
    (3) the filtering system meets all my needs,
    (4) I absolutely LOVE the Recent Mail browser,
    (5) SpamSieve meets all my spam blocking needs"
  Sherman Wilcox, PowerMail user

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