On or about 4/15/07, Winston Weinmann wrote:

>Anyway, I am running OS 10.4.9. When I try to print HTML email I get an
>empty box with a subject line at the top. Can I print HTML email (as
>HTML) from PowerMail?

Hi, Winston - 

When you have an HTML email displayed, click on the body of the HTML
message so that it is highlighted.  If you then choose File/Print... (or
choose 'Print...' from the drop-down menu that shows when you click and
hold on the Print icon) the HTML portion (only) will be printed.  No
header information.  Also, the printing happens on my system immediately
with no intermediate Preview dialog.

Don V. Zahniser
PowerMac G4 Cube, 450 MHz,  Mac OS 10.4.9, 1.25 GB RAM

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