Am/On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:20:17 -0400 schrieb/wrote Winston Weinmann:

>Printing via a web browser is still a work-around. Printing via the web
>browser is what I normally do, but sometimes I either forget, or HTML
>mail looks enough like text mail that I don't realize I need to do this.
>I also get caught with not having clicked into the email text box, so
>get a lot of blank pages with a header printed.
>This is not a minor defect. Yes, I wish everyone still used text email,
>but that's not the reality. Probably 98% of the email I get is HTML. I
>don't have any other program on my Mac which cannot print properly.*
>This needs to be fixed.

send a money order with a proper sum on it to ctmdev and they'll fix is
asap :-D

actually I don't consider it to be so important.
99.9 % of mail I get is text and I rarely need to print a mail.

Thanks and all the best


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