Well, if you want 100 percent accuracy then you have to poll every
single user of Powermail on every single question that comes up for
discussion. That is clearly near-impossible, and certainly ludicrously
impractical. If even a single PM user's opinions are omitted from the
statistical data then the data is less than 100 percent precise.

Which means that we are talking about statistical approximations here,
just as most marketing decisions are, and, that being the case, I repeat
my notion that this list can serve as a practical cross section of the
user base. Is it completely accurate? Of course not. But I never
suggested that it was.

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.7  ::  PM 5.5.2  ::  3 pane mode

Original message:
Received from Mikael Byström on 25/4/07 at 20:45

>Rick Lecoat said:
>>However, in the absence of
>>direct input from every single PM user out there, can we not, for the
>>purposes of discussion and friendly debate, assume that this list
>>represents something approaching a representative cross section of the
>>user base and proceed on that basis?
>No we can't if we mean us and CTM to be accurate of what the user base

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