Rick Lecoat wrote:

>(Actually I had never noticed the Applescript option as a filter
>*condition* before. How does that work? I mean, how is 'Applescript' a
>true or false condition?)

"set filter criterion result to true" will set the result of the
AppleScript condition.

>In each case, I got the same result: if I *deactivated* the filters
>further down the list that move the attachment into a folder other than
>the default attachment folder, then both the scripts would run fine. But
>if any filters further down the list *did* move the attachment then the
>scripts would fail (silently).

The "Move attachment" filter action erases the Finder comments (it seems
to be a Mac OS bug).
And if a filter moves the attachments, the following filters will have
trouble to find them to add Finder comments (this one is a PowerMail bug
that I will try to fix).

A probable workaround would be to use an AppleScript, in place of the
built-in filter action, to move the attachments to another folder; and
to execute this filter *after* the filter that sets the Finder comments.

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