On Intel MacBook w/2 Gig RAM and OS X ver. 10.4.9, PowerMail version
5.5.2, Message db 112 Mb, Message db index 33 Mb, Message db Spotlight
cache 100 Mb. 

I've had an annoying problem with PowerMail for about a year, and though
I've written directly to Support several times, I can't seem to elicit
any response.
It seems like a problem with the index being corrupted, presumably by
some particular badly formatted message? I have tried the usual
techniques, trashing the index and rebuilding it, and also running the
complete set of  startup rebuild functions. In fact the STL error occurs
after a complete rebuild of the index of (16,000?) messages when it
tries to optimize the index.

The error(s) don't prevent me from using Powermail, and after clicking
through the error dialogs it seems that the Find function is working...

When Powermail launches - 
An STL exception occurred Class=std; what=6; when = 100

When initiating a Find from within Powermail -
A memory error occurred:  Class=std; what=1; when =100

I imagine that starting over with a brand new mail file would be a
solution - if you could call it that - but does anyone else have any
ideas? Such as how to locate the offending message?

If I have to start over, I am going to seriously question why I  want to
stick with PowerMail...

Thanks in advance,

- Chris

Christopher Plummer

"Ask the right questions."
                                                - Kate Stockton

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