Christopher Plummer wrote:

>It seems like a problem with the index being corrupted, presumably by
>some particular badly formatted message? I have tried the usual
>techniques, trashing the index and rebuilding it, and also running the
>complete set of  startup rebuild functions. In fact the STL error occurs
>after a complete rebuild of the index of (16,000?) messages when it
>tries to optimize the index.

Try to export "your entire mail database" to the PowerMail Exchange
format. As there is probably a corrupted message, this could fail.
In this case, you can take a look at the exported file with a text
editor (or import it to a new database - menu file / database / new user
environment) to determine which message could be corrupted. Messages are
exported folder by folder, and inside a given folder, by date saved. The
corrupted message should be the message following the last exported message.
In case you can't get rid of the corrupted message (it could cause an
error when moving to the trash or using the "delete message immediately"
script), you can export your messages one or multiple folders at a time
(instead of exporting "the entire message database), or multiple
messages at a time for the folder that you can't export without an error.
Then you can create a new user environment and import your messages
there. You can then copy the old "Setup Database" file to copy your
accounts, filters etc to the new user environment. Note that you will
need to verify all your filter that move messages to a specific folder,
as the folder reference will be changed in the new user environment.
Also, if you leave the messages on the POP server, you will re-download
the message still present on the server; to avoid this, you can "purge
retrieved messages", from the accounts dialog, on your old user
environment, before switching to the new one.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "First, PowerMail downloads mail in about half the time of Entourage.
    Second, it's rock solid. Hasn't crashed once (Entourage crashed
    regularly). Third, searches are lightening fast, very impressive
    facility. Fourth, it has a very nice filtering capability, at least
    as strong as Entourage and probably stronger (my rules sets are fairly
    straightforward). Fifth, it auto syncs with AddressBook without the
    need for external scripts like in Entourage."
  PowerMail user comment on

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