Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:30:59 -0400 schrieb/wrote Charles Maurer:

>Carl Darby wrote (13/07/2007):
>>Does anybody else get lack of response to Powermail developers. I have
>>sent about five emails to their customer support and have got no answer.
>>The only one I did get a reply to was when I complained about their
>>product. Might just as well ask the cat!
>Some cats I know have been more forthcoming.  If the developers don't
>have the time to support the product, they might at least set up a web-
>based forum.  

what's wrong with this list?
If you have a problem, search first the archives, which can be found here:
then you can ask here on the list.
The list is read by the developers and they will respond if there's a
real problem.

all the best


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