Rick Lecoat said:

>I'm not saying that CTM should implement the feature just because I ask
>them to. But they never replied, even to acknowledge receipt of an
>officially-generated support email.
I'd rather pay extra for actually getting support, if that was possible.
But I don't think money is the problem necessarily.

>I for one am concerned about CTM's level of support for their product.
We all are I think. If we as a community was better at picking up that
role I wouldn't be worried. But we haven't been very good at that I
think. Maybe it's the type of people using PowerMail typically have much
else to do, but we as a user community ought to something *together* to
get some problems solved, with or without CTM, when that is possible. If
we just pick a fight now and then on what feature should or shouldn't be
implemented, where will we end up?

A couple of ideas

A user WIKI with usable up-to-date solutions
A user-run repository for scripts and the like

If I remeber correctly I volonteered to host such a site back when I ran
my own server, but the response was zilch, so I kinda lost interest.


Tech facts:
PM 5.5.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook G4/400 Mhz | 1GB RAM | 80GB HD

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