> When using a name containing an apostrophe in the name part ( I have yet
> to see such an email address) then the displayed name will be shortened
> to the letters prior to the letter with an apostrophe. So "Camilla
> Berndzén" will be shortened to "Camilla Berndz" for example.
> Worse is that if you type "Berndzén" as in my example with the previous
> mentioned data in the PM adressbook, then nothing is found if you get to
> the letter with the apostrophe. If you only type "Bernd" you do find the
> person. This could easily be overlooked if the user unknowingly types fast.
> Further comment for the list:
> I have been and continue to be a bit surprised with how badly PowerMail
> handles umlauts (å, ä, ö, ü) and apostrophes (á, é, à, è, í, ì and so
> on), especially considering CTM is a swiss outfit and several of the
> languages spoken in Switzerland do make use of both umlauts or apostrophes.

You are really talking about accented letters here, not apostrophes. "á"
is a single character, not an "a" and an apostrophe. But anyway, I'm not
seeing any of this in PowerMail. So far, I've experienced no problems
with names containing accented characters, umlauted characters, or other
characters outside the ASCII range (and my address book contains quite a
few of these).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal): http://michael-hussmann.de
WWW (professional): http://digicam-experts.de

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