Sean McBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>>> When using a name containing an apostrophe in the name part ( I have yet
>>> to see such an email address)
>> And you will never see one, because accented letters (and all other
>> characters outside the ASCII character set, plus some ASCII characters)
>> are not allowed in mail addresses.
> See also:
> <>

Just to clear that up: with "never", I didn't intend to mean "never
until the heat-death of the universe", just "never, given current
internet standards". MB had mentioned that he had "yet to see such an
email address", but it wasn't like there was someone out there with an
email address containing accented or umlauted characters, and once this
person would write MB, he would eventually see such an email address. He
hasn't seen such an email address because there aren't any.

Obviously, current restrictions can be lifted and characters outside the
ASCII range will some day be allowed in email addresses. When that
happens, PowerMail should be updated to conform to the new standard.
Until then, it should conform to (and even enforce) the current standard.

(Now, personally, I am not a big fan of international email addresses,
even when perhaps I should, given that my name contains a character
outside the ASCII range. But that's a different issue.)

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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