Jean Michel,

Am/On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 08:38:30 +0100 schrieb/wrote CTM info:

>We are dealing with a large number of support e-mails right now. The
>reason we did not do an external test was the pressure to release a new
>version for Mac OS X 10.5, as we had no access to it before release -

everybody is complaining about that, I know.
Actually I don't understand, why is Apple doing that to their developers.

>not a good idea, but that's how things happened.

well in that case I'd post the thing as a public beta and if then sh*t
happens you can always say, ya, guys, we're sorry, but that is beta
software .... ;-)

If it's posted as a final release, people don't expect any major bugs.

Anyway, I'm actually curious, what really happened as the API for the
keychain didn't change.

>Expect a version 5.6.1 before Friday.

Good news :-)

best wishes

>jean michel / ctm qa
>On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 10:04:30 +0900, Matthias Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> wrote:
>>meanwhile I also don't think so anymore.
>>This morning, after the G4 was shut down, PM started asking for passwords.
>>This is truly a bug, an annoying bug.
>>Some of the code changed and some changes did break something.
>>Why was there no beta test?
>>Beta-testing is for avoiding such pains on the user side.

Thanks and all the best


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