powermail-discuss Digest #2771 - Thursday, January 17, 2008

  Re(2): Spamsieve stopped working
          by "Alan Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: exporting message status
          by "PowerMail Engineering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Re(2): Spamsieve stopped working
From: "Alan Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:43:40 -0800

I reinstalled PowerMail and it fixed the problem.

Michael Tsai ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 11/7/07:

>On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:40 AM, Jonathan Brady wrote:
>> Powermail stopped sending any messages to
>> spamsieve. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. So
>> no idea what could have caused this sudden loss of
>> functionality. I tried rebooting the system, reconfiguring
>> spamsieve, going through the spam filter assistant, and
>> nothing helped.
>Did you try deleting the folder:
>/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/PowerMail
>so that PowerMail will use fresh spam AppleScripts?
>Michael Tsai                                 <http://c-command.com>


Subject: Re: exporting message status
From: "PowerMail Engineering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 14:12:16 +0100

MB wrote:

>One other option would be if ANY of the other formats PowerMail can
>export to would retain this status and that Mail both could read this
>format and detect its read status? Anyone know of such a format?

I posted to the list some time ago a way to restore the unread status
when exporting to Mail:

>PowerMail can preserve the status (amongst other things) when exporting
>using the PowerMail Exchange format, but Mail does not import from this
>There is a workaround, but it requires using TextWrangler:
>- select all the folders and subfolders you want to export in PowerMail
>- export "the selected mail folder" (do NOT export "your entire mail
>database" as Mail won't import that)
>- export them to the "PowerMail Exchange" format (including attachments
>if you want)
>- in TextWrangler, perform a find and replace regular expression:
>    Search For: [x] Use Grep
>        PowerMail Exchange 3\.0\r
>    Replace With: (leave an empty string here)
>    [x] Muti-File Search
>    Select the folder containing the exported mailboxes, then perform
>"replace all" and "save to disk".
>- perform another find and replace all regular expression on the same folder:
>    Search For: [x] Use Grep
>        ^PMFlags : \d+ \d+ \d+ (\d+) .*$
>    Replace With:
>        X-PM-Status: \1
>- in Mail, import from "Other" and select the folder
>- create a Mail rule:
>    If [any] of
>        [X-PM-Status] [Does not contain] [7]
>        (note that you must edit the header list to add [X-PM-Status])
>    Perform:
>        [Mark as read]
>- select all the imported mailboxes
>- select all the messages
>- apply rules from the Message menu

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "Having used FoxTrot search capabilities within PowerMail for two years,
    I'm delighted to see these now available for the rest of my data.
    In fact, I was so thrilled at the announcement that I paid for my copy
    before the software was available - and haven't regretted since."
  Marco Osti, Italy (FoxTrot customer #000001)

         Download a demo version from www.foxtrot.ch

End of powermail-discuss Digest

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