The way i have done it in the past is to start up Apples Safari and in
the preferences there is a setting for default browser.


The faster the computer
The more impatient the user

>I used PM 5.6.4 on a MacBook Pro running Leopard 10.5.2.  Camino is
>currently my default browser.
>Things were fine until I had a problem with my laptop and ended up
>erasing the drive and restoring everything from a back-up clone.
>Now, even though Camino is my default browser (and is automatically
>opened and used at all other times), when a URL is sent as an attachment
>and I choose the attachment from within PM, it tends to open the web
>site using an ancient copy of Explorer that I have among my applications.
>I would appreciate any guidance about how I can adjust the settings so
>that PM always uses Camino (or whatever I choose as my computer's
>default browser).
>Thanks for your help.

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