I receive a type of message that contains a series of HTML captions in
the body of the email and a series of jpegs as attachments.

The message displays fine on my screen when I open it: I can scroll down
and see each subsequent jpeg photo with the correct html caption
displayed to the right of it.

However, when I forward it, what is subsequently received is only the
series of captions is displayed vertically in the body of the message
but in ascii rather than html.  In addition, the photos are attached to
the message but do not display in the body of the message when the
message is opened.

What setting(s) do I need to adjust so that this type of message is
forwarded and displays itself in the same form in which I receive it?

If relevant, I run PM 5.6.5 on a MacBook Pro w/ 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
running Leopard 10.5.5.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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