I don't know what I did, but PM6 just doesn't run SpamSieve anymore when
I set it to do so via the 'antispam assistant'.

When new mail comes, SpamSieve is just not launched, and when I select
an obvious spam in the incoming folder and run the "spam: evaluate'
script, its spam level stays at zero. 

I tried to delete both my old 'spam:evaluate' and 'spam:actions'
filters, and recreating them with the assistant: only the first one is

Whether I re-create the second one myself or not, nothing happens (ans
SpamSieve still doesn't launch itself upon incoming mails).

Apparently there is no way to see within PM that SpamSieve is selected,
apart re-running the assistant and checking SpamSieve.

>From now on, I really don't know what to try?!

remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh

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