Am/On Fri, 15 May 2009 16:58:06 +0200 schrieb/wrote Urs Gruetzner:

>First: stability ! PM crashes 2-8 times a week, even when unused by user
>in the background (PM 6.0.2 ,Intel  iMac 24" OSX.5.6)

PM runs here rock solid. No crashes at all.
This is valid for MacBookPro and a G4 Powerbook.

>Second: Option to avoid hard line breaks when sending mails.
>Third:  Correct the bug in search function. Here is my old thread (PM
>5.0.2 and OSX.3.9, June 15. 2006):
>It happens quite often, but not regularly that PM does not accomplish
>searches. (Same problem happened with every version, also 6.0.2)
>That means _immediately_ after clicking the search button PM displays
>that there is no result. The time is so short, that I assume that no
>search  has been done at all. I can search what I want, for words which
>should have a result for sure, always no result.

I haven't seen that either ....

>When I quit/relaunch PM the next SAME search is executed and successful.
>(But then the actual mail window is flushed)

Did you check your box?
Harddisk, memory etc ....


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