Another example:

" The review is up and itâ€(TM)s an absolute rave.Â


    “A testament to the majesty and meaning of theater�

    “This production will remain in the heart as one of the most shattering 
theatrical moments on record in this city�

    â€?With a pitch-perfect cast, handsome design â€| it is the most 
essential drama produced this year�

    “If this isnâ€(TM)t the performance of a lifetime, I donâ€(TM)t know 
what is�

    “this remarkable actor quickly finds his way as the hard-drinking 
movie-goer� "

Sending things out that look like this is embarrassing.


- Winston

Winston Weinmann wrote:

>When I use PowerMail's "Rich Text" HTML format for messages some people
>receive the message with odd characters inserted like this:
>"Our Associate Artists are contributing their time and talent to for
>Cocoa and Carols. You can help by:
>Â  Â  - donating an interesting bottle of liquor or wine
>Â  Â  - getting gift cards from a few of your favorite stores or
>restaurants for the "Gift Card Tree"."
>It seems to happen on indented lines and sometimes at the end of a line.
>Why does this happen?
>How can I avoid it (and still use HTML formatting)?
>- Winston

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