On 29 Nov 2011, at 12:51 pm, Winston Weinmann wrote:

> When I use PowerMail's "Rich Text" HTML format for messages some people 
> receive the message with odd characters inserted like this:

Winston sent me an example directly (both as he sent out, and as forwarded back 
to him by a recipient claiming it was mis-formatted).  The original looked 
correct to me in both Apple Mail and PowerMail.

The appearance of the garbled result (as provided by your correspondent) is 
consistent with how the text would appear if originally encoded in UTF-8 but 
incorrectly decoded as "Windows 1252" (which is similar to ISO-Latin-1 but a 
bit different. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252>

My inference: the recipient is using a broken (probably Windows-based) mail 
client that does not properly understand UTF-8 text encoding.

If you view the full headers for one of the "garbled" examples sent back to you 
by your correspondent, what mail client ("X-Mailer: XXXX") and text encoding 
("Content-type: text/*; charset=XXXX") are used in his message?


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
Zygoat Creative Technical Services

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