Hi Midi,
Good to know. I'll keep notes, and if I discover anything new. I'll post.

Thanks, and so long for now, TOM

>I noticed that it doesn't always work on all. I found it best to delete,
>expunge, and quit, then come back and most are gone. Also if you have
>some that you are keeping that are ordered with the ones you want to
>delete, that can cause a problem. I have been too busy to experiment
>with changing the order of the messages. One day I will explore more.
>Tom caused electrons to hula in cyberspace with:
>>Hi Midi,
>>Thank you for the help.
>>The EXPUNGE Command does get ride of many of them, although it's slow.
>>I'll have to keep up with that. It seems there might even be a max
>>number of deletions per command (could that be the case?) I have 15 left
>>in the InBox, and they are not responding correctly. They do not want to
>>be expunged!
>>Any suggestions for that phenomenon. I've tried 4 times but they are
>>still in the InBox. Do I need to rebuild the databse or something? Are
>>they corrupted or what?
>>Thanks, and so long for now, TOM

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