Benchmarking other Utilities:

1)     Do you use a passive monitor similar to GEM5/PM7 when issuing and 
terminating TLD/OSL use for personnel RCA Access?

a.    Do you use a passive monitor for Entry(Issuing TLD/OSL)?  Yes /No

b.    Do you use a passive monitor for Exit (permanently leaving site and 
removal of TLD/OSL use)? Yes/No

c.     Is there any process or controls put in place to ensure notification 
when they leave permanently when a passive monitor is used (if so, what is the 
method used)?

2)    Do you remove RCA access (contactors  or Utility personnel) at your 
facility when performing short term duties at other Nuclear facilities (e.g., 
Benchmarking, Assessments, outage support,) or short term medical leave, 
military duty?

We have contractors (e.g., engineering contract personnel working out of 
Dallas) that periodically come on-site).

Michael Macho
Radiation Protection Supervisor

Luminant Power
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant
6322 North FM 56 or PO Box 1002
Mail Code 005A
Glen Rose, TX  76043

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