Dear Huw,

 Thanks for your interests and comments.

I think different models (e.g., FFM and MBTI) at present are unable to be
orthogonal to each other, even though inernal orthogonality may be obtained
to some extent in one model. I think each of these models can capture only
some aspects of human intrinsic features.

Thus in this paper, the factors investigated were not supposed to be
orthogonal, but are those prevailing in software pscyhology and software
engineering. We wanted to see which dimensions included in various
models were better correlated fators or predictors to software faults.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Huw Lloyd <> wrote:

>  From the abstract: "The results show that personality traits seems not
> effective predictors for fault diversity as a whole model, whereas
> cognitive styles and program measurements moderately account for the
> variation of fault density."
> Dear Huang,
> This quote suggests that you are considering personality as orthogonal to
> cognition.  Is this so, and, if so, what is to be gained by doing so,
> please?
> Best,
> Huw
>  On 9 February 2015 at 14:40, Huang Fuqun 黄抚群 <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> I thought you would be interested in *what types of human factors
>> influence programming errors*. We recently did a systematic review and
>> conducted a controlled experiment to examine this problem. Some interesting
>> findings were obtained. The paper is published on *Science of Computer
>> Programming*. You may access it through the following link:
>> doi:10.1016/j.scico.2014.03.004
>> <>
>> I'm allowed to share the acceptance version with friends and colleagues,
>> please see the attached file.
>> We are now conducting extending research on this topic. Your comments and
>> advice are welcomed.
>> Best regards,
>> Fuqun Huang, Ph.D.
>> The Ohio State University
>> Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
>> Scott Laboratory W 382
>> Columbus, Ohio, USA

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