To Jepp Sartori:

As I've said before, you're barking up the wrong tree.  A for trying.

 --- On Thu 09/30, Satrio Arismunandar < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

From: Satrio Arismunandar [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 04:02:16 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Re: [ppiindia] Is Injustice the root of terrorism?

<br>--- Jepp Sartori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<br><br>> IS INJUSTICE THE ROOT OF 
TERRORISM?<br>>  <br>> Many Indonesians believe that the root of terrorism<br>> is 
injustice done by the Super Power. The cliche<br>> accusation towards US is its double 
standard towards<br>> other countries, especially the muslim countries. <br>>  <br>> I 
just want to say that the root of terrorism is non<br>> injustice, but the human 
attitude of certain people<br>> towards others. When people easily accuses others 
as<br>> the pagan and "kafirun", then, I think the root of<br>> terrorism is there. 
<br><br>If I'm moslem, and you're not-muslim, it doesn't mean<br>we have to kill (or 
terrorize) each other. We're just<br>have different religions...that's all. No more 
no<br>less. <br><br>>  <br>> If we analyse further, the root will be discovered<br>> 
in the tradition. In the Islamic traditions, the<br>> trace of using violence against 
the enemy is very<br>> common. <br><br>ENEMY is not people of other faith. Enemies are 
those<br>who do harm to humanity. If someone want to rob you,<br>to kill you, to rape 
your sister, etc... you have all<br>the rights to confront them. It's natural and 
even<br>stated in law (US law, etc.)   <br><br>Even in the Islamic school it is still 
being<br>> taught to hate those who are against Islam. <br><br>In another words, you 
said, some others hate Islam<br>first and against Islam...<br><br>Even,<br>> 
sometimes, we can find easily in the muslim<br>> magazines or websites which promote 
Islam as the<br>> religion of mere obedience. Consequently, the<br>> religious 
education for this radical muslims is<br>> merely a type of indoctrination. Islam 
becomes a<br>> religion of fear, and not religion of peace. <br><br>Be specific... 
what magazines? ... In every religion,<br>in every community, there always parts who 
are<br>"different" from mainstream... The fact: the biggest<br>Moslem organisations in 
Indonesia -- with millions<br>members-- are Muhammadiyah (mostly urban) and 
NU<br>(mostly rural). Both are moderate and nationalist. <br>  <br>> The hope of the 
world on Mr. Yudhoyono's shoulder is<br>> to bring the peaceful image of Islam by 
uprooting<br>> every kind of terrorism within Indonesia. With the<br>> support of the 
world, especially US and Australia, I<br>> am sure Mr. Yudhoyono can do this mission. 
All<br>> Indonesian people should support him in this for the<br>> sake of Indonesia's 
prosperity. There should not be<br>> compromise in fighting terrorism. Hatred against 
the<br>> Western countries that is flourishing in the muslim<br>> communities only 
prolongs the misery for the<br>> Indonesian people, especially those living in 
the<br>> rural areas.<br>>  <br>> Soa, what I would say here is just that the root 
of<br>> terrorism is not injustice but poverty in all<br>> aspects: in the education, 
in understanding the<br>> religion and its holy scripture of Koran, in the<br>> 
economy, and in culture. Don't let this root get<br>> stronger. <br><br>Have you ever 
heard about "kemiskinan-struktural"? The<br>poverty, lack of education, misery, ...etc 
is not come<br>from heaven. When you give more money to the richs and<br>give less 
money to the poors, it's an injustice. It's<br>idelogical, it's by design. When your 
soldiers occupy<br>other country without their consent, etc... 
it's<br>injustice....etc... <br><br><br>>  <br>> I am sure the Indonesian muslims will 
develop their<br>> understanding of Islam. With the efforts of Jaringan<br>> Islam 
Liberal which promotes the peaceful Islam, <br>> the Indonesian muslims will build a 
new image of<br>> Islam in the world. When religion is more human, it<br>> will become 
more divine. How can we contradict<br>> ourselves in believing One God while we hate 
others?<br>> <br>>  <br>> God bless Mr. Yudhoyono and the Indonesian people!<br>>  
<br>> Jepp<br>> <br>>                                <br>> 
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