yang "blind presumption" siapa yah??? kalo gw yang dibilangin 
itu..............wah kan udah gw jelasin. gmn neh??? pak Samudjo ini kalo 
komentar asek bgt yah??? ceplas ceplos pedes............jgn2 sekampung ama gw 

Carla Annamarie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
gak lah..ngapain juga gitu looh..:))..
actually easily offended with small minor things is a sign of weakness and
foolishness..anyway..it's free country, every body could thinks, speaks
whatever they likes..that's democracy..
no harm done here..pak Samudjo..:))..
assumption, speculation, it's part of the play..according to u perhaps..:))
we all play and perhaps hide behinds the computer.., no one knows the
intention behind it..:))..
but being prejudice and judging only from blind presumption..i think is a
desperate act...
i felt sorry for that..

                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       
                      .com>                    cc:                              
                                               Subject:  Re: [ppiindia] Re: 
[perempuan] *the "great!!"     
                      03/29/2005 03:10          Amina Wadud (2)*                
                      Please respond to                                         

Ini enaknya maen email
Lempar email sembunyi tangan
Saya juga sering gitu koq
Kalo ngarang sendiri rasanya kurang pede, kita forward aja punya orang yang
cocok dengan pandangan kita
Jadi tangan engga kotor
Don't get offended Carla,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carla Annamarie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ppiindia@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ppiindia] Re: [perempuan] *the "great!!" Amina Wadud (2)*

> Pak Abu, referred to ur email below, i dont take it as a critic
> actually..bcs forwarding the email doesnt mean that i agree or disagree
> with the subject..perhaps as u read it with a clear conscious u will see
> that i didnt make a comment regarding the subject..
> it's suprised me that u made a blunt assumption and blindly guessing abt
> opinion regarding the subject.., perhaps u re a pshycic or
> anyway...but there's one thing that u re simply right abt..it's difficult
> to separate to be objective and subjective..especially if u re feeling
> offended..
>                       abu abdurrahman
>                       <scientist_moslem        To:
>                       @yahoo.com>              cc:
>                                                Subject:  Re: [ppiindia]
Re: [perempuan] *the "great!!"
>                       03/29/2005 09:43          Amina Wadud (2)*
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       ppiindia
> ya, terkadang subjektifitas dan objektifitas ini agak
> sulit untuk dipisahkan. tp yang jelas, sebenarnya saya
> ga melakukan kritik khusus buat mbak carla, tetapi
> buat saudara2 saya juga yang semuslim......supaya
> mereka dan juga saya lebih mau berdialektika dan
> jangan langsung "membenarkan" apa2 yang dibawa oleh
> yang "dinilai" lebih kompeten. dan kalau pandangan
> saya terhadap mbak carla itu terlalu
> cepat....sebenarnya cepat dan tidak cepat itu khan
> relatif juga. dan saya pikir, ketika ada yang
> berkomentar "inovasi" imam perempuan itu sebuah
> gagasan besar atau ide brilian, kemudian tanpa pikir
> banyak waktu saya menimpali itu adalah tindakan yang
> cukup "nyeleneh" maka ada argumen yang bisa membuat
> itu "serasa lebih lambat" bahkan 1 jam dengan
> argumentasi tepat terkadang lebih lambat jika
> dibandingkan 1000 tahun tanpa argumen tepat....dan
> ketika saya melihat dien saya sudah mengatur itu, dan
> ada "yang menyimpang, trus dibilang "great", saya
> katakan, 1 jam saya untuk berpikir guna berkomentar
> membela dien ini serasa sangat lama. maaf kalo ada
> kata2 yang kurang berkenan...
> --- Carla Annamarie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Pak Abu..
> >
> > liked u said im just an observer but it's very quick
> > for u to jump to any
> > conclusion or being judgemental abt my intention for
> > forwarding this
> > email..anyway, i have none..sorry to dissapointed
> > you..
> > actually, right or wrong abt the subject is
> > subjective...., it doesnt mean
> > that ur opinion however is absolutely right..
> > if we read it with a clear and rasional
> > mind..perhaps we could findly
> > understand the essence or the message in it..without
> > being offended...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                       abu abdurrahman
> >
> >
> >                       <scientist_moslem        To:
> >     ppiindia@yahoogroups.com
> >
> >                       @yahoo.com>              cc:
> >
> >
> >
> > Subject:  Re: [ppiindia] Re: [perempuan] *the
> > "great!!"
> >                       03/29/2005 12:23
> > Amina Wadud (2)*
> >
> >                       AM
> >
> >
> >                       Please respond to
> >
> >
> >                       ppiindia
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > barangkali beliau belum terlalu mengerti mbak
> > lina.....jadi mbak carla ini
> > khan "pengamat"  yang melihat ada orang yang
> > (katanya) dedengkot dalam
> > maslah dien (kan dia profesor tuh yang jadi imam) ya
> > terus dipikir ini
> > sebuah revolusi besar. memang salah kita2 juga
> > sih.......kadang2 jauh dari
> > ajaran yang haq, jadi keblinger deh. semoga tidak
> > banyak yang ketepu. sori
> > kalo agak kasar. wassalamualaykum
> >
> > Lina Dahlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > he..he...ini mestinya dimasukken kedalam salah satu
> > 14 sifat wanita
> > yang tidak disukai pria itu ....jadi 15 deh!
> >
> > wassalam,
> > --- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, Carla Annamarie
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > ----- Forwarded by Carla
> > Annamarie/PRUIDN/IDN/Prudential on
> > 03/28/2005
> > > 04:38 PM -----
> > >
> >
> > >                       Una Koalisi
> > Perempuan
> >
> > >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   To:
> > >                       ahoo.co.nz>
> > cc:
> > >
> >   Subject:
> > [perempuan] *the "great!!" Amina Wadud (2)*
> > >                       03/26/2005 07:27
> > PM
> >
> > >                       Please respond
> > to
> >
> > >
> > perempuan
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Mideast Ire At NYC Prayer Service
> > >
> > > CAIRO, Egypt, March 19, 2005
> > >
> > > A woman and a man sit side by side during an
> > Islamic
> > > prayer lead by Amina Wadud in New York. Some
> > Muslims
> > > in the Middle East called the service an apostasy,
> > > which is punishable by death in Islam. (Photo: AP)
> > >
> > > "The woman's body, even if veiled, stirs desire."
> > > Soad Saleh, heads of Islamic department of the
> > women's
> > > college at Al-Azhar University in Egypt
> > >
> > > (AP) Muslims in the Middle East on Saturday
> > angrily
> > > denounced a mixed-gender Islamic prayer service
> > led by
> > > a woman in New York as a violation of their
> > religion.
> > >
> > > Amina Wadud, a professor of Islamic studies at
> > > Virginia Commonwealth University, led the service
> > on
> > > Friday before a congregation of 80 to 100 men and
> > > women at Synod House at the Cathedral of St. John
> > the
> > > Divine in Manhattan, an Episcopal church.
> > >
> > > Three mosques had refused to hold the service, and
> > an
> > > art gallery backed out after receiving a bomb
> > threat.
> > > Organizers said the service was intended to draw
> > > attention to the inequality faced by Muslim women.
> > >
> > > The Egyptian newspaper, Al-Messa, reported the
> > service
> > > on its front page, with the emphatic headline:
> > "They
> > > are tarnishing Islam in America!" It referred to
> > Wadud
> > > as "the deranged woman."
> > >
> > > A female Islamic law professor condemned the act
> > as
> > > apostasy, explaining that a woman's body "stirs
> > > desire" in men. Some suggested the event was a
> > U.S.
> > > conspiracy to mold traditional Islam into a
> > secular
> > > American religion.
> > >
> > > Muslims are required to pray five times a day. On
> > > Friday, the Muslim holy day, many try to perform
> > their
> > > midday prayers at a mosque. A male imam leads the
> > > prayer, followed by lines of men and, behind them,
> > > women. Most mosques have different halls, or
> > different
> > > floors for the women, as well as separate
> > entrances.
> > >
> > > Sheik Sayed Tantawi, head of Egypt's Al-Azhar
> > mosque,
> > > the leading Sunni Muslim institution, said Islam
> > > permits women to lead other women in prayer but
> > not a
> > > congregation that includes men.
> > >
> > > Many of the women who attended the service in New
> > York
> > > were modestly dressed and, in accordance with
> > Islamic
> > > tradition, covered their hair with the hijab, or
> > head
> > > scarf. Wadud conducted the service primarily in
> > > English with verses of the Quran read in Arabic.
> > >
> > > "Women were not allowed to (have) input in the
> > basic
> > > paradigms of what it means to be a Muslim," Wadud
> > said
> > > after the service. She added that while the
> > Islamic
> >
> === message truncated ===
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