July 14, 2005latimes.com : CaliforniaE-mail story   Print   Most E-mailed THE 
Gov. to Be Paid $8 Million by Fitness Magazines

The publications rely heavily on advertising for dietary supplements. 
Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have regulated their use.

By Peter Nicholas and Robert Salladay, Times Staff Writers

SACRAMENTO — Two days before he was sworn into office, Gov. Arnold 
Schwarzenegger accepted a consulting job paying an estimated $8 million over 
five years to "further the business objectives" of a national publisher of 
health and bodybuilding magazines.

The contract pays Schwarzenegger 1% of the magazines' advertising revenue, much 
of which comes from makers of nutritional supplements. Last year, the governor 
vetoed legislation that would have imposed government regulations on the 
supplement industry.

ADVERTISEMENT  According to records filed Wednesday with the Securities and 
Exchange Commission, Schwarzenegger entered into the agreement with a 
subsidiary of American Media Inc. on Nov. 15, 2003. The Boca Raton, Fla.-based 
company publishes Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines, among others.

Watchdog groups and state lawmakers called the contract — which refers to 
Schwarzenegger as "Mr. S" — a conflict of interest.

Larry Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics in 
Washington, D.C., said: "This is one of the most egregious apparent conflicts 
of interest that I have seen. This calls into question his judgment as to who 
he is working for, and it calls into question what he thinks he owes the 

He added: "For a governor to have … contracted his decision-making and judgment 
to a company is a real conflict of interest."

The law allows governors and other elected officials to keep outside jobs. 
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez (D-Los Angeles) has been paid $35,000 a year by 
the Voter Improvement Program in Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization created 
by the former president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.

A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman, Margita Thompson, said that his financial 
holdings were "probably the most complicated of any governor" and that he had 
complied with all laws for disclosing his income. She said the consulting 
contract presented "no conflict of interest" because Schwarzenegger did not 
solicit any advertising.

"The governor did not direct sales or marketing activities of American Media 
and did not have personal contact with any advertisers to generate the 
advertising revenue," Thompson said.

The contract calls for the governor to help the company through his own 
suggestions and by "being responsive to the reasonable requests" of Weider 
Publications, a subsidiary of American Media.

In a concession to Schwarzenegger's job as California governor, the agreement 
says that he is not compelled to work for the company during "normal business 
hours on business days."

"Mr. S shall seek in good faith to make himself available from time to time to 
Weider" — after the workday or on weekends, the filing says.

As recently as a few days ago, American Media refused to say anything about 
Schwarzenegger's pay. The company filed an 83-page annual financial statement 
with the SEC last month that, in one paragraph, mentioned a consulting 
agreement with an unnamed "third party." Stuart Zakim, an American Media 
spokesman, refused to say whether the third party was Schwarzenegger.

American Media, which also owns the National Enquirer, the Globe and the Star 
tabloids, made public the terms of Schwarzenegger's contract in a separate SEC 
filing Wednesday. 

The governor announced last year that he had agreed to become executive editor 
of Muscle & Fitness and Flex. He writes monthly columns for both, dictating 
them to the editorial staff of the magazines. The governor's office had 
declined to reveal his salary.

The SEC filing by American Media, which followed repeated inquiries by The 
Times, is the first public indication of the size of the contract. 
Schwarzenegger's financial disclosure statement covering 2004 shows that he 
received an undisclosed amount of income from American Media. But the state 
form calls for little specificity, requiring only that public officials report 
income in excess of $10,000. The statement offered no more detail. And unlike 
past governors, he has declined to make his tax returns public.

The contract shows that Schwarzenegger's firm, Oak Productions, gets 1% of the 
subsidiary's annual advertising revenue. It holds that "in no event" will 
payment be less than $1 million a year.

The agreement estimates that the governor's company will receive $2.15 million 
in fiscal year 2006; the same amounts in '07 and '08; and $1.7 million in '09. 
Those sums exceed the salary of the chairman and CEO of American Media, David 
J. Pecker, whose base pay this year is listed at $1.5 million.

American Media has also agreed to contribute $1.5 million over six years to one 
of the governor's tax-exempt groups: a physical fitness council launched this 
summer at Disney's California Adventure theme park. The chairman of the council 
is Austin M. Beutner, a director of American Media.

As a consultant, Schwarzenegger's role includes "advising on the direction of 
the" magazines and "otherwise helping in various ways to further the business 
objectives of the Weider business," the contract shows.

Weider Publications was started by longtime bodybuilding promoter and 
Schwarzenegger patron Joe Weider, who brought Schwarzenegger to the U.S. in 
1968. Weider sold his magazines to AMI in 2003.

Schwarzenegger's two muscle magazines are crammed with ads for 
performance-enhancing dietary supplements promising chiseled bodies and surges 
of energy. The 257-page August issue of Muscle & Fitness contains 110 pages of 
ads for supplements, from creatine ethyl ester to anabolic/androgenic 
"absorption technology."

The governor used his regular column in the June issue of Muscle & Fitness to 
defend the supplement industry. He vowed to oppose any effort to restrict sales 
of the products in California, writing that he is "so energized to fight any 
attempt to limit the availability of nutritional supplements."

An article in the August issue of Muscle & Fitness said Schwarzenegger had 
"lent his support" to a new lobbying group that would work to promote 
nutritional supplements. "The governor also made it clear that he will remain a 
phone call away as the coalition progresses," the magazine said.

Schwarzenegger's office characterized the article as "hyperbole."

Last year, the governor vetoed a bill by state Sen. Jackie Speier 
(D-Hillsborough) that would have required coaches to take a course in 
performance-enhancing supplements, created a list of banned substances for 
interscholastic sports and barred supplement manufacturers from sponsoring 
school events. In his veto message, the governor said that most dietary 
supplements were safe and that Speier's bill would have been difficult to 
implement. He also said the bill unfairly focused on "performance-enhancing 
dietary supplements (PEDS) instead of focusing on ensuring that students 
participating in high school sports are not engaged in steroids use."

Speier said in an interview Wednesday: "I have got to believe the electorate 
will be incensed that he has this relationship, that he has not been upfront in 
disclosing it, that he has taken action on legislation that has an impact on 
the very industry from which he is indirectly receiving financial support."

Thompson said Schwarzenegger is committed full time to his job as governor: "We 
just signed a budget, and the governor has a reform agenda. I don't think 
anyone could dispute that he has been absolutely focused on his agenda and the 
state, from the media perspective, from the institutional perspective and from 
a civic perspective."

American Media's publications have been Schwarzenegger boosters since he formed 
a partnership with the company. 

That wasn't always the case. The National Enquirer published an article in 2001 
alleging that Schwarzenegger had had an extramarital affair. Two years later, 
just before Schwarzenegger signed the contract, American Media produced a 
120-page glossy magazine called "Arnold, the American Dream."

In a new book about Schwarzenegger, author Laurence Leamer said the governor 
was aware that his contract with AMI would prompt the publisher to end any 
negative coverage of him. In the book, Schwarzenegger is quoted as saying: "Do 
you want to work with someone who you are attacking?"

For his pay, the governor's most public role is his monthly columns. A 
seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, he speaks with the magazine editors by phone 
every few weeks. They take notes, draft a column and send it to him for review, 
said Vincent Scalisi, editor-in-chief of Muscle & Fitness.

"Obviously, we know that he has a busy, full-time job," Scalisi said in an 
interview in recent months. "And we don't want to be a drain. But the reality 
is … what a wonderful resource we have access to." 

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(Genaro Molina / LAT)

 The governor's deal
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Gov. to Be Paid $8 Million by Fitness Magazines

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