Ketika Ormas Islam Mendukung Yahudi

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman hendaklah kamu jadi
orang-orang yang selalu menegakkan (kebenaran) karena
Allah, menjadi saksi dengan adil. Dan janganlah
sekali-kali kebencianmu terhadap sesuatu kaum,
mendorong kamu untuk berlaku tidak adil. Berlaku
adillah, karena adil itu lebih dekat kepada takwa. Dan
bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan." [Al Maa-idah:8]

Dengan diserahkannya blok Cepu ke Exxon, berarti kita
menyerahkan kekayaan alam kita ke Yahudi. Kenapa?
Karena Exxon adalah satu dari "The Seven Sisters" (7
perusahaan minyak yang menguasai dunia) yang didirikan
oleh konglomerat Yahudi, Rockefeller. Keluarga
Rockefeller memiliki Exxon-Mobil, Standard Oil, Amoco,
Esso, Arco, Conoco, Socal, BP, dan Chevron (asalnya
dari satu perusahaan: Standard Oil kemudian dipecah
jadi beberapa perusahaan karena adanya UU Anti-Trust
di AS -

Dengan potensi minyak 300 ribu barrel per hari dan
harga minyak US$ 70 per barrel, Indonesia bisa
mendapat Rp 70 trilyun lebih per tahun hanya dari
Cepu. Pada tahun 1972 saja, Exxon dan kelompoknya
memiliki aset US$ 49 milyar lebih dan penjualan US$ 49
milyar lebih.

Tapi karena pemimpin kita dan juga anggota DPR
(termasuk dari partai Islam) kurang amanah, akhirnya
kekayaan alam yang ada diserahkan ke Yahudi.

Menyerahkan blok Cepu ke Exxon (yg bisa menghasilkan
rp 70 trilyun lebih per tahun) sama dengan menyumbang
uang ke pihak Musuh. Kita tahu Exxon adalah milik
keluarga Rockefeller, yahudi Amerika. Uangnya (dari
pajak dsb) mengalir ke tentara2 AS yang akhirnya
digunakan membantai saudara muslim kita di Iraq,
Afghanistan, dsb. Belum lagi untuk memblokade dan
menakut2i saudara kita di Palestina dan juga mendanai
JIL di sini.

Jika kita kaji siroh Nabi, tidak pernah Nabi
menyerahkan kekayaan alam kepada musuhnya atau pihak
yang membunuh orang Islam. Bahkan Nabi mengancam bakar
kebun kurma (kekayaan alam) orang2 Yahudi yang
memusuhi mereka.

Sebesar apa pun manfaat menyetujui penyerahan Cepu ke
Exxon, lebih besar lagi mudharatnya dan bertentangan
dgn sunnah Nabi.


The Yom Kippur War and the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973
These seven companies announced their alliance with
the statement: "We have formed a very exclusive
club... And we are now united. We are making history."
Remember, in 1914, Congress referred to [the
Rockefeller controlled] Standard Oil as "the invisible
government." The oil companies are powerful, and their
power was never more apparent than it was during the
manufactured "oil crisis" of 1973.

On October 6, 1973, as synagogues in Israel observed
Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, Syrian
MiG-21's attacked a group of Israeli jets. Egypt,
Syria, Jordan, and eight other Arab nations had
mobilized against Israel. Egypt attacked the Sinai
Peninsula with 4,000 tanks, knocking out many Israeli
tanks; while Syria attacked the Golan Heights with
1,200. New Soviet-made SAM-6 missiles plucked Israeli
planes out of the sky with ease.

Lihat bagaimana 7 sisters itu bersatu di bawah kontrol
keluarga Rockefeller sebagai negara tak terlihat yang
menguasai dunia dan menghancurkan negara2 Arab?

>From "tabir57" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gagalkan Hak Angket, Anggota DPR Dituduh Transaksi
Nurfajri Budi Nugroho - detikcom

Jakarta - Fraksi PKS dan Fraksi PPP DPR dituding telah
melakukan transaksi politik dengan menarik dukungannya
terhadap usulan hak angket Blok Cepu. Isu suap Rp 5
miliar pun semakin kuat terdengar.

Hasto Ditantang Beberkan Suap Rp 5 M Angket Cepu
Isu Suap Blok Cepu Diduga Dilakukan Anggota DPR
BK Siap Investigasi Suap Hak Angket Blok Cepu
DPR Kayak Orba Gagalkan Hak Angket Blok Cepu


Standard Oil Company

Standard Oil was an oil refining company founded by
John D. Rockefeller and partners in 1863 . Borrowing
heavily to expand his business, he drew five big
refineries including the business concern of Henry
Morrison Flagler into one firm, Rockefeller, Andrew&
Flagler. By 1868 he headed the world's largest oil

On January 10 , 1870 he formed theStandard Oil Company
of Ohio and started his strategy of buying up the
competition and consolidating all oil-refiningunder
one company. By 1878 Standard Oil held about 90% of
the refining capacity in the U.S.In 1881 the company
was reorganised as the Standard Oil Trust. The three
main menof "Standard Oil" were Henry H. Rogers ,
William Rockefeller , and, the most important, John D.
Rockefeller . 

This attracted attention from antitrust authorities in
the 1890s , the Ohio Attorney General filed and won an
antitrust suit in 1892 and thecompany was broken up
after the United States Supreme Court declared the
company to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the
Sherman Antitrust Act on May 15 , 1911 . However, the
owners remained in charge of the smaller companies
which made up four of the Seven Sisters . 

Standard Oil was not a well-loved company. Through a
series of dubious business practices it either subdued
competitors orengaged in illegal transportation deals
with the railroad companies to ensure itcould undercut
its competitors' prices. Standard Oil, formed well
before the discovery of Spindletop and a demand for
oil other than for heat and light, was well placed to
control the growth of the oilbusiness. It did this by
ensuring it owned and controlled all aspects of the

During a massive strike by employees of the
Rockefeller-owned ColoradoFuel and Iron Company , what
was referred to as the LudlowMassacre occurred on
April 20 , 1914 . Thestate militia fired on a tent
city inhabited by workers and their families, causing
numerous deaths and a public relations disaster. John
D. Rockefeller Jr. was forced to takeaction to bolster
his public image to avert large-scale market losses.

Perhaps the most infamous action of Standard Oil was
its involvement with IGFarben . The two organisations
worked together to build a plant for the manufacture
of synthetic rubber in Nazi Germany, using slave
labour from Auschwitz . 

The following quotation (from journalist Thomas Lawson
's 1905 book, Frenzied Finance) perhapsepitomises the
company as perceived by the public. 

"Standard Oil" has from its birth to present writing
been responsible for more hell than any other trust or
financialthing since the world began. Because of it
the people have sustained incalculable losses and have
suffered untoldmiseries.
There were eight distinct groups of individuals and
corporations which made up the big "Standard Oil": 

The Standard Oil, seller of oil to the people, which
was made up of many sub-corporations either by actual
ownership or byownership of their stock or bonds; 
Henry H. Rogers , William Rockefeller, and John
D.Rockefeller,active heads, and included with them
their sons; 
A large group of active captains and first
lieutenants, men who conducted the affairs of the
different corporations orsections of corporations in
which some or all of the "Standard Oil" were
A large group of captains retired from active service
in the Standard Oil army; 
The estates of deceased members of the wonderful
"Standard Oil" family, which were still largely
controlled by some or all ofthe prominent "Standard
Oil" men; 
"Standard Oil" banks and banking institutions, and the
system of national banks, trust companies, and
insurance companies, ofwhich "Standard Oil" had, by
ownership and otherwise, practically absolute control;

The "Standard Oil" army of followers, capitalists, and
workers in all parts of the world; 
The countless hordes of politicians, statesmen,
lawmakers and enforcers -- political structure -- and
judges andlawyers. 

Successor companies to Standard Oil include: 

Standard Oil of Ohio - or Sohio now part of BP 
Standard Oil of Indiana - or Stanolind , renamed Amoco
- now part of BP 
Standard Oil of New York - or Socony and merged with
Vacuum - renamed Mobil , now part of ExxonMobil 
Standard Oil of New Jersey - or Esso (S.O.) - renamed
Exxon , now part of ExxonMobil 
Standard Oil of California - or Socal -renamed
Chevron, now part of ChevronTexaco 
Atlantic and Richfield - merged to form Atlantic
Richfield or Arco - now part of BP - Atlantic
operations spun off and boughtby Sunoco 
StandardOil of Kentucky - or Kyso was acquired by
Standard Oil of California - now part of ChevronTexaco

ContinentalOil Company - or Conoco is now known as
Other Standard Oils: 

Standard Oil ofIowa - pre 1911 - became Standard Oil
of California 
Standard Oil of Minnesota - pre 1911 - bought by
Standard Oil of Indiana 
StandardOil of Illinois - pre 1911 - bought by
Standard Oil of Indiana 
Standard Oilof Kansas - refining only, eventually
bought by Indiana Standard 
StandardOil of Missouri - pre 1911 - dissolved 
StandardOil of Nebraska - eventually bought by Indiana
Standard Oil of Louisiana - always owned by Standard
Oil of New Jersey (Esso) 
Standard Oilof Brazil - always owned by Standard Oil
of New Jersey (now Esso) 
Standard Oil of Colorado - a scam to cash in onthe
Standard Oil brand in the 1930s 
Standard Oil of Connecticut - A fuel oil marketer in
Connecticut not related to the Rockefellercompanies 

World's 12 largest manufacturing corporations ranked
by assets in 1972 
Rank    Company         Assets($000)    Sales ($000)    Rank
1*      Exxon   21,558,257      20,309,753      2
2*      Royal Dutch/Shell       20,066,802      14,060,307      4
3       General Motors  18,273,382      30,435,231      1
4*      Texaco  2,032,174       8,692,991       10
5       Ford    11,634,000      20,194,400      3
6       IBM     10,792,402      9,532,593       7
7*      Gulf     9,324,000      6,243,000       12
8*      Mobil   9,216,713       9,166,332       8
9       Nippon Steel    8,622,916       5,364,332       17
10      ITT     8,617,897       8,556,826       11
11*     BP      8,161,413       5,711,555       15
12*     Socal   8,084,193       5,829,487       14

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