Jangan lupa, sebelumnya kita sudah disantet Bush duluan:

Lumpur Sidoardjo menyembur, sebelumnya asap hutan terbang ke-mana 
mana, lalu pipa gas njemblug...

akhirnya pesawat militer nyungseppp

--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, "imuchtarom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> cukup banyak orang, warga dunia ini yang ingin 
> "menyanthet" bush, tidak hanya orang di indonesia
> saja. beberapa hasil proyek penyanthetan tsb. 
> mungkin bisa dilihat dari berita di bawah ini.
> selama kunjungan Bush ke Asia-Pasifik kemarin
> banyak kesialan yang menimpa anggota keluarga 
> Bush atau lingkungan gedung Putih atau pengawalnya:
>  <1> dimulai dari kekalahan Partai Republik di dalam
>      Pemilu untuk HOR dan Senat.
>  <2> waktu Bush hendak terbang berangkat ke Indonesia,
>      pesawat Airforce 1 Boeng 747 nya mengalami
>      gangguan mekanik, sehingga Bush terpaksa
>      ganti menumpang pesawat cadangan Boeing 757
>  <3> anak perempuannya kecopetan tas ( kehilangan
>      handy & credit card ) waktu makan di restoran
>      di Argentina - meskipun dia dalam pengawalan
>      agen Secret Service
>  <4> Sewaktu mampir ke Hawai dalam perjalan kembali 
>      ke Washington, mungkin orang menyangka keadaan
>      sudah aman, karena Hawaii ini sudah masuk 
>      teritori AS. Ternyata di sini terjadi 2 insiden
>      lagi:
>         -> Greg Pitts, yang menjadi manajer perjalanan
>            rombongan Bush/White House ke Asia-Pacific
>            tiba-tiba di serang, dipukuli dan dirampok
>            oleh seseorang hingga harus diperiksa di
>            Rumah sakit ( + kehilangan dompet & paspornya ).
>         -> Waktu mengawal rombongan mobil Bush ke pangkalan
>            militer di Hawaii, 3 Polisi Pengawal bersepedamotor
>            di dalam rombongan itu terlibat dalam kecelakaan
>            /tabrakan sehingga mengalami luka yangserius.
>    -------( IM )-------------------------------------
> <http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article2007476.ece>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Presidency falling apart at the seams for Bush and his entourage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
> Published: 23 November 2006
> His foreign policy is in tatters. He has just suffered a sweeping 
> electoral defeat. And now - from Buenos Aires to Hawaii and 
Vietnam -
>  even the clockwork-like operation to protect and ferry around 
> George Bush and the rest of America's first family seems to be 
> coming apart at the seams.
> In the first of four incidents in the space of 48 hours this week, 
> the President's 24-year-old daughter Barbara had her handbag 
> while out in the Argentine capital on Sunday, despite the round-
> clock protection she and her twin sister Jenna are provided by the 
> US Secret Service.
> According to La Nacion newspaper, the two were having dinner in 
> Telmo, a cobblestone district of cafés, old houses and 
> when thieves took the handbag from under their table. Agents in 
> their secret service detail stood at a distance, completely 
> of the incident.
> There has been no comment from the White House or a doubtless 
> embarrassed Secret Service. Barbara reportedly lost her mobile 
> and credit cards, but was not hurt. But Greg Pitts, the acting 
> House travel director, was less fortunate as the President made 
> way back to the US from his visit to south-east Asia and the 
> Rim summit in Vietnam. Mr Pitts was beaten and robbed by unknown 
> assailants outside a nightclub in Waikiki at 2am on Tuesday during 
> stopover by the presidential party in Hawaii.
> "He was knocked down, punched, kicked - his wallet and ID were 
> stolen," Captain Frank Fujii of Honolulu Police said. Mr Pitts 
> lost his passport and his mobile phone. Though awake and alert, he 
> was taken to hospital because of possible concussion, a White 
> spokesman said.
> Hours after that incident, three local motorcycle officers in the 
> motorcade taking Mr Bush to a military air base for his return to 
> Washington were involved in a crash which left two of them 
> injured, after their bikes skidded on a rain-drenched road as they 
> were about to enter the base area.
> The final entry in this catalogue of mishaps were the unspecified 
> mechanical difficulties encountered by his Air Force One Boeing 
> during the summit trip, as it was scheduled to leave Vietnam to 
> ferry Mr Bush to Indonesia (where he spent six hours in talks at a 
> resort near Jakarta before heading to Hawaii). The problem forced 
> Bush to take a smaller Boeing 757 back-up plane, obliging many in 
> the White House delegation to switch to the accompanying press 
> His foreign policy is in tatters. He has just suffered a sweeping 
> electoral defeat. And now - from Buenos Aires to Hawaii and 
Vietnam -
>  even the clockwork-like operation to protect and ferry around 
> George Bush and the rest of America's first family seems to be 
> coming apart at the seams.
> In the first of four incidents in the space of 48 hours this week, 
> the President's 24-year-old daughter Barbara had her handbag 
> while out in the Argentine capital on Sunday, despite the round-
> clock protection she and her twin sister Jenna are provided by the 
> US Secret Service.
> According to La Nacion newspaper, the two were having dinner in 
> Telmo, a cobblestone district of cafés, old houses and 
> when thieves took the handbag from under their table. Agents in 
> their secret service detail stood at a distance, completely 
> of the incident.
> There has been no comment from the White House or a doubtless 
> embarrassed Secret Service. Barbara reportedly lost her mobile 
> and credit cards, but was not hurt. But Greg Pitts, the acting 
> House travel director, was less fortunate as the President made 
> way back to the US from his visit to south-east Asia and the 
> Rim summit in Vietnam. Mr Pitts was beaten and robbed by unknown 
> assailants outside a nightclub in Waikiki at 2am on Tuesday during 
> stopover by the presidential party in Hawaii.
> "He was knocked down, punched, kicked - his wallet and ID were 
> stolen," Captain Frank Fujii of Honolulu Police said. Mr Pitts 
> lost his passport and his mobile phone. Though awake and alert, he 
> was taken to hospital because of possible concussion, a White 
> spokesman said.
> Hours after that incident, three local motorcycle officers in the 
> motorcade taking Mr Bush to a military air base for his return to 
> Washington were involved in a crash which left two of them 
> injured, after their bikes skidded on a rain-drenched road as they 
> were about to enter the base area.
> The final entry in this catalogue of mishaps were the unspecified 
> mechanical difficulties encountered by his Air Force One Boeing 
> during the summit trip, as it was scheduled to leave Vietnam to 
> ferry Mr Bush to Indonesia (where he spent six hours in talks at a 
> resort near Jakarta before heading to Hawaii). The problem forced 
> Bush to take a smaller Boeing 757 back-up plane, obliging many in 
> the White House delegation to switch to the accompanying press 
> Also in this section

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