Wah-wah Pak Din rupanya deket-deket juga sama Maria Eva. Ada apa ini.
Mudah-mudahan bukan karena mintah 'jatah'. Hehehehe


btw, Friendsternya Maria Eva bisa dilihat disini. Ada gambar serunya bo, in
action with Yahya Zaini.....


Miss Muslimah <http://www.indonesiamatters.com/809/miss-muslimah/> November
14th, 2006, in News <http://www.indonesiamatters.com/category/news/>, by
Patung <http://www.indonesiamatters.com/author/patung/>

Muhammadiyah is planning to enter the world of pageants.

Din Syamsuddin, the chairman of Muhammadiyah, says that in February of 2007
a Miss Muslimah Indonesia contest will be held, in direct and deliberate
competition with the Miss Indonesia contest (Putri Indonesia). The reason,
says Din, is that pornography has to be tackled not just in an intellectual,
critical way, but also in a practical way. The Miss Muslimah competition
will be one means of going head to head with the porn purveyors of Puteri

Din went on to say that pornography had to be dealt with using political and
economic means, but, sadly, Muslims were in no position to wield either
power. Fatwas were no use, he said, the government just sat on its hands.

Din received the support of a number of famous, religiously earnest, people,
including Cici Tegal, Yolanda Yusuf, Maria
and Ozzy Saputra, who witnessed his speech to the East Java branch of
Muhammadiyah (PWM) in Surabaya on the 11th of November.

Meanwhile, in other "Din news", the great man has become a world Islamic
leader, by being chosen to be a deputy secretary general of the "World
Islamic People's Leadership" (Kepemimpinnan Rakyat Islam Sedunia (KRIS)), at
its conference in Tripoli, Libya, last week. Din will represent the
continent of Asia.

According to Antara the "World Islamic People's Leadership" is concerned
with empowering Muslims worldwide in the face of unrelenting Western
oppression and Israeli brutality. Apparently Israel is to blame even for the
Darfur tragedy - Zionists have conspired to cause a split among the Sudanese
people, who are normally brotherly and united.

[image: Din Syamsuddin]
Din Syamsuddin, striding the world stage.

Din was quoted as saying that despite all the insults and oppression that
the Islamic world suffered at the hands of the west Muslims were still
willing to hold out the warm, sweaty hand of friendship, but only if
westerners stopped being Islamophobic.

   1. ↑1 <http://www.indonesiamatters.com/809/miss-muslimah/#note-809-1>
   antara <http://www.antara.co.id/seenws/?id=46183>
   2. ↑2 <http://www.indonesiamatters.com/809/miss-muslimah/#note-809-2>
   antara <http://www.antara.co.id/seenws/?id=46095>

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