
Dollar down to 25.9464 rubles/$1 in tomorrow trading at UTS on June 19**

MOSCOW. June 19 (Interfax) - *The dollar fell 0.57 kopecks on June
19from yesterday's close to 25.9464 rubles/$1 in Tom deals in the MICEX
Unified Trading Session (UTS).

A total of 625 deals were struck for 42.557 billion rubles.

The euro was down 1.04 kopecks to 34.778 rubles/EUR1 in Tom deals
on the UTS. The last deal was struck at 34.797 rubles/EUR1 and the euro
traded at 34.76-34.8225 rubles/EUR1 during the session.

The session saw a total of 84 deals in euros for 743.624 million


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