dear budi,
scroll down all my comments before, not a single word i stated abt preferences 
for mc'cain or huckabee, or did i ever wrote abt robertson or falwell, show 
some logical sense here..ok?  u made some assumption that i liked robertson and 
falwell bcs i objectively show the facts that obama's lying and fabricating? 
if u want to argue, argue by facts not cheap assumption. it's more respectful 
that u could refute my facts statement abt obama rather than made some ad 
hominem assumption.

if u want to make some reply-argument, before u make some reply,  pls equip ur 
self with some knowledge about this issue, try google or youtube, key word > 
obama lies, then u come back here to have some logical and intelligent debate. 
if not. dont waste ur time to debate ok? save it for another issue that u 
certainly beyond reasonable doubt have some knowledge about it.
stay logic and objective. objective facts hurts. 

politician..welcome to independent-thinker zone. 

have a nice day

----- Original Message ----
From: budiartobobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 4, 2008 7:58:34 AM
Subject: Fw: NY Times : A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama's Path Re: 
[ppiindia] Re: Obama Makin Bersinar

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nugroho Dewanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:
> carla mungkin lebih suka mc'cain atau huckabee
> yang suka kotbah di gereja?

Iyo, Carla iki kok modele esmosi banget karo Obama yo, sak jane ono 
opo toh Mbakyu Carla iki.?? Koyo suarane Pantat Robertson dan 
almarhum Jerry Falwell.... opo Mbak Carla iki lagi stress soale satu-
satune capres Wedhok makin keteteran... Lah mbok jadi Wapres aja toh 
si Hilary itu... gitu aja kok refot.. he he he


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