Dear Mr. Palash,

I went though your heart-rendering collection of tales and facts 
intertwined together to give it a most impact-making shape. 
We all know the Naina Devi stampede was of the most grotesque nature 
and resulted in so many people getting swallowed by death in a most 
untimely, unexpected and undesired manner.
It is a tragedy we all must share and present our deepest concern 
for the bereaved families and for every of the departed soul.
Such incidents leave the entire country shaken and shocked.
One can only pray to Almighty God that such things don't reoccur 
taking lives of other innocent people in the future.
I thank you once again for having brought forth the pain, anguish 
and immense loss of the people affected by this wretched tragedy so 
vividly and emphatically.

Amitabh Thakur,
UP, India
# 94155-34526

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