Obama and the Imperial Presidency

The Bush administration has worked hard to increase presidential power. Will 
Barack Obama give it up?
By Jack Balkin 
November 12, 2008 "The Guardian" - -Barack Obama enters the White House with 
more constitutional and legal power than any president in US history. One of 
his biggest problems will be figuring out what to do with it. 
For seven years, the Bush administration has tried to increase presidential 
power through secrecy and unilateral action, claiming constitutional authority 
to disregard statutory restrictions and congressional oversight. Many of its 
gambits backfired. But despite its clumsiness, the Bush administration did not 
materially weaken the American presidency. Far from it. Obama will begin with 
broad new powers over domestic and international surveillance and congressional 
approval for military tribunals and existing interrogation and detention 
practices. He will oversee a new bureaucracy devoted to homeland security and 
greatly expanded intelligence services. He will command military forces and 
state-of-the-art weaponry strategically placed around the globe. And thanks to 
the recent bail-out bill, Obama's new Treasury secretary will enjoy enormous 
discretion to nationalise the banking industry and reshape the financial sector.
To top it off, Obama will begin his first term with overwhelming public support 
- if not outright adulation - and a Congress controlled by members of his own 
party. No matter how much the current president damaged the prestige of his 
office, his successor will be all the more powerful and influential simply by 
not being Bush.
Many of the problems Obama will face stem from the presidency-on-steroids he 
inherits. First up is what to do with the Guantánamo detainees. If Obama closes 
the infamous base, he will either have to release the detainees or bring them 
to the US for trial. If he chooses the latter approach, he will have to decide 
whether to use the ordinary criminal process or devise a new set of national 
security courts to replace the defective military tribunals Congress approved 
in 2006. Either solution will pose enormous technical and logistical problems, 
and separate national security courts create significant risks to civil 
Next, Obama will have to decide whether to rescind a series of secret opinions 
and orders authorising the Bush administration's detention, surveillance and 
interrogation practices. Secret laws were a hallmark of the Bush years. For all 
the criticism of Bush administration policies leaked to the public, there may 
be many others even more morally and legally troublesome. Obama will face 
difficult decisions about which decisions to rescind and which to retain.
Giving up power is harder than it sounds. Obama's attorney general will have to 
craft new limits and new methods of accountability. This, in turn, may invite 
intense scrutiny of what happened in the immediate past. Both Congress and the 
public may demand to know about secret orders and opinions authorising torture, 
domestic spying or other forms of illegal activity. Obama and his advisers will 
have to decide whether political prudence and national security require them to 
conceal the previous administration's dirty little secrets.
Indeed, the more we find out about the excesses of the Bush years, the louder 
will be the demands for investigating and prosecuting Bush administration 
officials for violating national and international law. Whether or not such 
prosecutions are deserved, they threaten to derail the next president's 
positive agenda. Political opponents will scream that the new administration is 
criminalising ordinary politics and punishing patriots. Bipartisanship will 
quickly become difficult if not impossible. This may tempt Obama to sweep past 
wrongdoing under the rug, hoping that he can reform the executive branch 
entirely in secret. But secret reforms raise many of the same problems of 
accountability as the secret laws they replace.
Finally, Obama has been handed new tools for an ever-expanding national 
surveillance state, which employs information collection, collation and 
analysis as key methods of governance. Most members of Congress have no idea of 
the new powers they gave the president in the byzantine Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Act Amendments Act of 2008. Many parts of the new law are either 
sketchy or opaque. Most of the details will have to be worked out by - you 
guessed it - the executive branch.
The Bush years demonstrated that congressional oversight of intelligence 
gathering was rarely effective, and with judicial review significantly 
constricted in the new surveillance act, the civil liberties of Americans will 
depend heavily on how the Obama administration implements the vast new powers 
it has been given. It can create a series of checks and balances within the 
executive branch to limit overreaching and prevent abuse. Or it can shape these 
new institutions much as the Bush administration wanted: to maximise discretion 
and avoid accountability. It is largely up to the new administration how to 
Armed with abundant public support, a friendly Congress and vast new grants of 
authority, the next president holds the fate of the country in his hands. How 
he tempers his power may be as important as how he wields it.
Jack Balkin is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment 
at Yale Law School, and the director of Yale's Information Society Project. 
© Guardian News and Media Limited 2008

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