Human Rights group reports violations in Arab countries

Published Date: December 09, 2009 

CAIRO: US-allied Arab governments in the Middle East are flouting human rights 
through violations including torture, extra-judicial killings and repressive 
laws, an Egyptian human rights group said yesterday. In a report chronicling 
the human rights records of 12 Arab countries, the Cairo Institute for Human 
Rights Studies accused the Obama administration of not applying enough pressure 
for Middle East reforms.

The single most worrying sign for the future of the Arab region is the 
widespread impunity and flagrant lack of accountability that persists," 
according to the report. "President Barack Obama avoided taking a clear stance 
on human rights issues in the Arab region." The report also said political and 
social protests remained targets for repression.

In Egypt, a major US ally, the report noted that the government resorts to 
emergency laws and state security tribunals to stifle opponents. Other US 
allies such as Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states "remain dangerous for 
human rights activists." In Bahrain, which hosts the US Navy's 5th Fleet, human 
rights are increasingly targets for arbitrary arrest, torture, trials and smear 
campaigns, the rights group said.

Other countries criticized in the report include Tunisia, Iraq and Syria, where 
President Bashar Assad "continues to crack down." Officials from Egypt and 
Saudi Arabia did not comment on the report. Other Arab countries in the past 
have scoffed at such reports as being "hostile" and have refused to comment.

The report added that gains achieved by the political opposition and civil 
society over the last five years have now become targets of attack by the Arab 
governments. The rights group partially blames the US government, saying US 
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to address the issue during a 
meeting with her Arab counterparts in Morocco last month. "This was a a kind of 
a green light given to the Arab governments to continue these practices," said 
Bahey El-Din Hassan, head of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies. - AP 

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