One last insult for Indonesia's Sri Mulyani

Written by Our Correspondent   
 Thursday, 20 May 2010 

Departing finance minister says goodbye to a nearly empty House of 

Sri Mulyani Indrawati, arguably Indonesia's most respected public figure 
internationally, was given a rude sendoff as Finance Minister Thursday by the 
House of Representatives, with most opposition legislators either being absent 
or boycotting her presentation of the 2011budget.

Sri Mulyani is due to join the World Bank as a deputy director on June 1. 

The walkout by members of the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of 
Struggle (PDI-P), which failed to appear in the House entirely, and the 
People's Conscience Party (Hanura) was a piece of political theatre ostensibly 
connected to a House investigation into the former finance minister's role in 
bailing out the midsized Bank Century during the global financial crisis of 

But in fact, rather than driving Sri Mulyani out over corruption charges, most 
of the house seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief because President Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono's most prominent reformer was leaving them to their own 
devices. Lawmakers Wednesday almost immediately went after the Directorate 
General of Taxation, which comes under the finance ministry's command, because 
of private fears the tax office was being too zealous in going after tax 

Jakarta is buzzing with speculation that the former finance minister's 
resignation is connected to a new and major political realignment that gives 
her arch-enemy, tycoon and Golkar Party chief Aburizal Bakrie, new sway in the 
government and national politics. Yudhoyono, who is increasingly being regarded 
as a relatively weak leader who more approximates a prime minister that a 
president, took pains to deny that, saying the new finance chief must "work as 
hard as Sri Mulyani has over the last five years." 

After going after Sri Mulyani fang and claw during the Bank Century probe and 
facing Yudhoyono's wrath, Bakrie has since changed tacks and come closer to the 
president. One of the signals for the realignment was Bakrie's appointment in 
early May as managing chairman of a new political joint secretariat that is 
likely to play an important role in determining government policy. The 
secretariat was created at a closed meeting of ruling coalition parties at the 
home of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, just two days after Sri Mulyani 
said she was leaving. 

Both Sri Mulyani and President Yudhoyono have denied that her move to become 
managing director of the World Bank was the result of a political deal. But it 
is now largely accepted as fact that a realignment is coming in Indonesian 
politics which will give Bakrie more power and pull in the horns of the 
reformers. On Tuesday, Sri Mulyani, in a public address said she could "not 
afford" to be part of a new political realignment. 

"The news that Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati was leaving the 
government to take up a senior position in the World Bank caused a flurry of 
negative investor sentiment," wrote UBS emerging markets economist Jonathan 
Anderson. "Sri Mulyani was widely seen as the 'top reformer' within the 
Indonesian administration, and her departure has been billed as a serious blow 
to efforts to increase transparency in government and the market orientation of 
the economy."

At that, though, the flurry of negative sentiment appears to have been brief. 

"Indonesia does okay with or without her," said a Jakarta-based analyst. "The 
markets don't care that much. Corruption is factored in and fundamentals are 
sound. SBY is weak and behaves as if he was a PM instead of a president. 
Everybody knows it's corrupt and they work with it."

The appointment of Agus Martowardojo as Sri Mulyani's replacement appears to 
have drawn at least moderate approval.

"We have noted that Sri Mulyani's exit was a political compromise between the 
government and influential members of the legislature, and not necessarily a 
sign of unwillingness to undertake fundamental reforms in the economy," 
Anderson wrote. "And the appointment of Agus Martowardojo, currently president 
of Bank Mandiri, as her replacement has been well received by foreign 

Martowardojo, who assumes the new job on Aug.1, is currently president director 
of PT Bank Mandiri, the country's biggest bank. He has little political 
experience, but he has been given high marks for turning around the distressed 
Bank Permata prior to joining Bank Mandiri. He graduated from the University of 
Indonesia in 1984 and worked at a variety of local banks. He was nominated as a 
candidate for central bank governor in 2008, but he and the other candidate at 
the time, Raden Pardede, were both rejected by a parliament that appeared keen 
to flex its political muscle. Analysts and economists had considered both 
candidates suitable for the post. 

The president ridiculed the idea that he had engineered Sri Mulyani's World 
Bank position as a way out of the standoff between her and lawmakers like 
Bakrie. Nonetheless, it is increasingly apparent that Bakrie has emerged as a 
big winner with the former finance minister's departure, no matter how tough 
Martowardojo turns out to be.

In her speech earlier this week, Sri Mulyani made it clear that the political 
battle that began late last year when the Golkar Party led a House 
investigation into the Century affair had resulted in an uncomfortable reality. 

"I am not a politician, but I understand politics," she told a packed ballroom 
at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in the Pacific Place shopping center. "There has been 
a marriage of two political sides and it will not uphold the public's needs. I 
cannot afford to be part of it."

There is widespread speculation in Jakarta that the appointment presages 
Bakrie's emergence onto the national scene in 2014 as a candidate for president 
to succeed Yudhoyono. There is also a considerable groundswell of support for 
Sri Mulyani to comeback from the World Bank at that point to run for president 
as well. That would set up a clearly-defined difference in philosophies between 
the old Indonesia represented by Bakrie, and a new one which is taking an 

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