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WikiLeaks works to expose government secrets, but Web site's sources are a 

By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Wednesday, May 19, 2010; 8:57 PM 

BERLIN -- For an organization dedicated to exposing secrets, WikiLeaks keeps a 
close hold on its own affairs. Its Web site doesn't list a street address or 
phone number, or the names of key officers. Officially, it has no employees, 
headquarters or even a post office box. 

Yet, about 30 times a day, someone submits a sensitive document to this 
cyber-whistleblower to be posted online for all to see. Politicians' private 
e-mails, secret CIA reports, corporate memos, surveillance video -- all have 
been fair game. 

The three-year-old group was catapulted into the spotlight last month when it 
released a U.S. military video of a helicopter attack on Iraqis, graphic images 
that drew a worldwide audience. 

That might have been just the warmup. Newly leaked material -- including what 
WikiLeaks officials describe as an explosive video of civilian casualties in 
Afghanistan -- is being prepared for release, part of a growing treasure trove 
of formerly secret documents and recordings that exceeds a million records. 

The site has provoked official and corporate anxiety for years, but now 
WikiLeaks is tapping new technology and a growing list of financial backers to 
move closer to what the group says it has long sought to become: a global foe 
of excessive government secrecy and an enabler of citizen activists, 
journalists and others who seek to challenge the powerful. 

WikiLeaks has pioneered an approach that capitalizes on its secretive nature. 
Lacking a home base or traditional infrastructure, it is almost entirely 
virtual, relying on servers and helpers in dozens of countries. It is 
accessible anywhere the Internet goes, yet it is relatively immune from 
pressure from censors, lawyers or local governments. Its founders say those who 
submit material to the site typically do so anonymously. 

The goal, said Daniel Schmitt, one of WikiLeaks' five core directors, is to 
make the organization unstoppable. 

"The message of WikiLeaks to the controllers of information is this: You can 
either be transparent, or transparency will be brought to you," he said. 

The group's tactics have riled governments around the world, and some have 
struck back. China has repeatedly sought to block the Web site, and 
corporations have filed lawsuits, ultimately without success. 

A 2008 U.S. Defense Department assessment -- marked "SECRET//NOFORN" but posted 
online by WikiLeaks in March -- said it "must be presumed that 
has or will receive sensitive or classified DoD documents in the future," 
noting several instances in which Defense documents have appeared on the site. 

The assessment proposes the "identification, exposure, or termination of 
employment of or legal actions against current or former insiders, leakers or 
whistleblowers" to puncture the veil of anonymity shielding WikiLeaks' sources 
from scrutiny. 

Also watching closely are mainstream news outlets. At a time when newspapers 
and broadcast organizations are shedding jobs, the arrival of a global leak 
machine untethered by traditional journalistic rules of attribution and balance 
is inciting intense interest as well as apprehension. 

"There are new possibilities that come with a creative use of the cyber 
medium," said Robert M. Steele, the Nelson Poynter Scholar for Journalism 
Values at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla. "But it's important to 
have the measuring sticks of accuracy, fairness and journalistic independence." 

He added: "There's a difference between journalism and just putting out 

Working from home

Schmitt, 32, a German who lives in the former East Berlin, is part of an 
eclectic group of journalists, technicians and activists who have guided 
WikiLeaks since it was founded about three years ago. Tall and slim with 
dark-framed glasses and a trim beard, he worked as a computer networker for a 
private company before quitting to devote himself to WikiLeaks. Like the other 
directors, including founder Julian Assange, an Australian journalist, he draws 
no salary for what he says is a full-time job with long hours and few days off. 

Working from their houses -- or, in Schmitt's case, from a couple of laptops in 
his small apartment -- members of the core team pore over each day's fresh 
material. About a third of it is immediately tossed out, including self-written 
exposés, pranks and forgeries. 

The rest is vetted with the help of a network of hundreds of expert volunteers 
with specialties ranging from law to handwriting analysis and video encryption. 
To limit the possibility of threats or legal intimidation, only Schmitt and 
Assange are public about their roles. 

What the organization doesn't do, they say, is exclude material based on 
internal views about what is considered important or politically palatable. 

Some of the better-known leaks have targeted icons of the political right. The 
Web site was the conduit for the posting of stolen personal e-mails written by 
former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R), and it exposed a secret 2004 U.S. 
handbook for dealing with prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 

Left-leaning causes and personalities have been hit as well. Schmitt said the 
founding group's original plan was to focus not on Western governments and 
their policies, but to expose corruption and wrongdoing by autocratic regimes 
in the developing world. 

Baghdad video hits nerve

WikiLeaks' sharply worded pronouncements about some of its material have drawn 
fire from media critics and others who accuse the group of straying into 

Some of the harshest criticism came after last month's Iraq video, which 
portrayed a U.S. Apache helicopter's assault on a group of Iraqis in Baghdad 
that killed several civilians, including two employees of the Reuters news 
service. An edited 17-minute version of the video -- donated by an anonymous 
source and unencrypted with the help of volunteers -- was posted on the 
WikiLeaks site April 5 under the heading "collateral murder." 

The gunship camera footage from July 2007 shows a group of Iraqi men, some of 
them armed, being raked by the helicopter's 30-mm cannon as they walk along a 
Baghdad street. Later, the helicopter destroys a van that stops to help a 
wounded man, killing the driver and badly wounding two children who were unseen 
passengers in the vehicle. 

A firefight had occurred earlier in the same neighborhood, and the cockpit 
voice recordings suggest that the pilots thought the men were insurgents from 
the earlier attack. The Pentagon had long blocked the release of the video, and 
in a statement April 5, said it regretted the loss of innocent life. 

Edited and unedited versions of the video have been viewed nearly 8 million 
times, provoking shock but also condemnation. Some critics blasted WikiLeaks as 
an incarnation of "Baghdad Bob," the nickname of the former Iraqi information 
minister under Saddam Hussein. 

Since the video was released, Assange and other WikiLeaks officials have 
defended their airing of the its disturbing images as an important 
counterbalance to those served up by television and Hollywood. 

"We're being desensitized by watching fake violence, but we're not seeing the 
real stuff, the real pain and real cruelty," Schmitt said. "How can you have an 
opinion about this war if you don't know what it looks like?" 

As the controversy over the Baghdad video simmered, WikiLeaks was in a kind of 
stand-down. Since mid-December, the Web site has been essentially frozen while 
the group's leaders have take an extended time out to retool technical 
infrastructure and strategize about ways to stabilize their finances. Until 
now, WikiLeaks has relied on volunteer donations and team members' bank 
accounts to cover annual costs said to exceed $300,000 -- with most of the 
money used to pay for servers and technical support. 

Capitalizing on its newly elevated profile, the group has courted new 
contributors as well as nonprofit foundations, with the aim of raising cash for 
a worldwide network with links to local news providers on every continent. 

WikiLeaks officials say they want to empower traditional media outlets by 
increasing their reach and investigative firepower at a time when many 
newspapers and broadcasters are slashing budgets. 

"We're not there to take journalists' jobs away," Schmitt said. "On the 
contrary, our goal is to make mainstream journalism cheaper. We enable them to 
do things that no single newspaper can do by itself." 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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