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Wednesday, August 04, 2010 
00:43 Mecca time, 21:43 GMT

Activist's killing angers Papuans

The issue of Papuan independence has been thrown into the spotlight with the 
controversial death of an activist.

Graphic mobile phone footage of Yawan Wayeni's final moments is being 
circulated on the internet.

It shows Indonesian police officers taunting him as he lies dying from the 
gunshot wounds they had inflicted upon him.

Al Jazeera's Step Vassen reports from Jakarta.

The video contains disturbing images.


3 August 2010 Last updated at 13:39 GMT 

Indonesia 'must address Papua discontent'
 Protesters in Papua have been calling for independence for decades 
Indonesia must address discontent in its easternmost province of Papua or face 
increased militancy from pro-independence groups, a report says.

The report by the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based think tank, 
urged Indonesia to address Papuans' demands for meaningful autonomy. 

Papua is Indonesia's most remote and least developed province.

A small group of rebels have waged a low-level battle for independence from 
Indonesia for decades. 

In a separate development, Papua's best-known independence activist, Filep 
Karma, spoke of his treatment in detention by the Indonesian authorities. 

Continue reading the main story 
  a.. Papua activist 'abused in prison'
In a rare interview obtained by the BBC via a local radio station, Mr Karma - 
who is serving a 15-year sentence - said he had suffered punching, kicking and 
mental torture.

A spokesman for Indonesia's Foreign Ministry, Teuko Faizasyah, told the BBC 
that allegations of prisoner abuse were always investigated and dealt with 

'Radical voices' 
The International Crisis Group (ICG) said Indonesian leaders needed to address 
Papuans' concerns by expanding political autonomy and affirmative action 
policies, and tackling the influx of migrants from the rest of Indonesia. 

"Unless these three issues are tackled head on in face-to-face meetings, the 
impasse is unlikely to be broken and increased radicalisation is likely," the 
report said.

The report details how Jakarta rejected a proposal from the Papuan People's 
Council requiring all candidates in district elections to be indigenous 

This move incensed the Papuans, who say an influx of migrants from other 
Indonesian islands is threatening to overrun the local population, the report 

"As Papuans point out, if national law trumps local law every time, it raises 
the question of how much devolution the central government is really willing to 
countenance," the report said.

Papua was granted special autonomy status in 2001. The deal was an attempt to 
allay demands for independence.

But many Papuans believe that special autonomy is useless and that it has 
failed to raise their standard of living, says BBC Indonesia correspondent 
Karishma Vaswani. 

Human rights groups say despite a large reserve of natural resources Papua 
remains one of the least developed parts of Indonesia.

In June representatives of the Papuan assembly held a ceremony symbolically 
handing back special autonomy to the Indonesian government. 

Hundreds of people then joined a protest in the provincial capital, Jayapura, 
demanding independence. 

Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuko Faizasyah said the government had 
made significant concessions to Papuans. 

"We gave more autonomy, we gave the local people the room for them to govern 
their province. Certainly, we observe and we evaluate if there is a problem," 
he said. 

But the ICG report warned that the longer Jakarta failed to discuss Papuan 
concerns over discrimination and unfulfilled promises, "the stronger the 
radical voices will become".

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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