
I think I submitted two patches to this list, one which added a
\xspace at the end of the \pause macro. After further testing, I would
recommend that you do not use the \xspace; I found it creating some
spacing problems. The \pause I use now is:

\def\pause{\@ifnextchar [{\pppp@pause}{\pppp@pause[]}}
%% now we need a section where % can be written to pdf files.
%% thus make ! a comment character
 \gdef\pauselevel#1{\pdfliteral{%pauselevel #1}}!
       \color{pp4red}\vrule width 2truemm height 5truemm\hss ! the marker
       \pdfliteral{%esuap #1}}!
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hsize0pt\noindent\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}}}\else!hmode or mmode
\hbox to 0pt{\pppp@marker{#1}\hss}!

The footer I use for my little slide class (based on foils) looks like this:
\noindent\hbox to \linewidth{\box\@footleft\hss\box\@footcenter\hss\box\@footright}

Note that the % at the end of the first line is important to avoid
getting extra space. You could replaces the \box\@foot... parts with
your own footer.


Pat Riley
Third Year Ph.D. Student                                 
Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University     

Steffen Neumann writes:
 > Hi,
 > I made up our corporate identity conforming foils environment,
 > using pdflatex, ppower and foils.cls. Things work fine,
 > but I am looking for a more elegant solution to one of my problems.
 > Problem:
 >      I have the footer with a pauselevel=1, and it does 
 >      appear right away if there are no other \pause \
 >      on the slide.
 >      If there are other \pause on the slide, I have to *manually*
 >      insert a \pause at the end of that slide to avoid the last
 >      chunk to appear together with the footer.
 > [Standard disclaimer: I'm not a Master-TeXniker)
 > My setup has a 
 >      \newenvironment{folie}%
 >              {\somemagic\foilhead\moremagic}
 >              {\addtocounter{bla}{1}}
 > so my idea was to add a \pause to the end 
 > of the folie environment before \addtocounter. This works sometimes,
 > but some foils are enlarged by this and break onto 
 > a second page. E.g. if foil has an itemize environment
 > all over, then the pause would have to be 
 > after the last \item to get it to work. Exactly this manual 
 > work is what I'd like to eliminate.
 > I applied the patch by Patrick Riley from this list 
 > to pause.sty, but still the pppp@marker is set to the next page.
 > Any ideas ? 
 > Sorry if I missed something obvious.
 > Yours,
 > Steffen

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