Hi Matthias,
thanks for the prompt response. Your suggestion helped. I also found it on the archive.
Now I try to "pdlatex" the example file from http://www-sp.iti.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/software/xfig/
and get the complete figure only. There are small brown cursor symbols scattered around on the
page, but it's just one page and "pause" doesn't work. The pdf file from the above web page is


Matthias Schwaiger wrote:
Hi Wolfgang,

try to add the following line to the preamble of your tex-file:


It tells PDFLaTeX that a picture with an unknown extension should be treated as a MetaPost Graphic.

Happy TeXing,

Wolfgang Korsch schrieb am Montag, 10. März 2003:

Hi everybody,
 I am very impressed with the ppower4 package and it's applications.
It's great in connection with pdflatex.

Unfortunately, I ran in the following problem recently and I have no
idea how to fix it: I generated a xfig figure with different layers
and saved it in "Multi Metapost" (mmp) format. Then I ran the command:
mpost abc.mpp Sure enough I get abc.0, abc.1, abc.2, ......

Now I'd like to use these multiple files in combination with the pause
command in pdflatex. I have a file that contains:

\input supp-pdf.tex

When I run pdflatex on this file I get the error message:

Latex Error: Unknown graphics extension: .0.

See the ......

l.91 \multiinclude{abc}


How can I "force" pdflatex to accept other extensions like ".0", ".1",
..... (only .png, .pdf, .jpg, .tif are generally accepted).

I have a very recent version of pdflatex/pdftex and xfig (RedHat 8.0) and downloaded the newest ppower4.zip from Darmstadt.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


-- Matthias Schwaiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PGP Fingerprint: 9B20 13FA D433 6806 BC41 ABF6 62D1 8E90 DE6B 7DB6

 Wolfgang Korsch                  Phone: 859-257-4083
 Physics and Astronomy        FAX:   859-323-2846       
 University of Kentucky          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 177 Chem.-Phys. Bldg.          http://www.pa.uky.edu/~korsch/ienp
 Lexington, KY 40506

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