On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 07:44:37PM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:

> The latest mprime (259) has an annoying dependency on libcurl which
> theolder one (239) didn't. I was about to upgrade a number of
> machines,but got caught by the requirement for libcurl.so.3

There is a similar dependency with the x86_64 version which depends on
libcurl.so.4. The dirty trick I did to get this running was (adjusted
to your situation):

- create a soft link /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.3 -> /usr/lib/libcurl.so.2
- place /usr/local/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment var

Not sure if this will work, it did for me.

> - if the
> mprimeauthor is listening in, is there any chance of removing
> thisrequirement in the future? Such dependencies make upgrading
> virtuallyimpossible on some systems. (due to propagating changes if
> I manuallyupgrade libcurl).

I vaguely remember that removing this dependency in the future wasn't

Christian Schulz       IRC: Zampel       zam...@bartali.dyndns.org
URL: http://www.bartali.dyndns.org/
"Der Kopf muss das dritte Bein sein."  ---  Christoph Daum
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