Tuesday, February 4, 2003

***THURSDAY 2/6 at 9p eastern, only on America's NewsChannel...
The "HARDBALL COLLEGE TOUR" will air on a special night-THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6th...with 
scheduled guest Sen. John Edwards (D-N. Carolina), LIVE from North Carolina Central 
University. For more details and a sneak peek at upcoming guests, go to 
www.hardball.msnbc.com .***

Now onto tonight's lineup:

NACHMAN (www.nachman.msnbc.com)
5PM - 6PM ET/ 2PM - 3PM PT
Music industry legend and pioneer Phil Spector arrested for a shooting death at his 
Tonight, NACHMAN looks at some of Spector's past bizarre behavior, some of which 
includes gun play.

THE ABRAMS REPORT (www.abramsreport.msnbc.com)
6PM - 7PM ET/ 3PM - 4PM PT
Powell says he has no smoking gun.
But does he need one to prove his point to the U.N. Security Council?
Dan breaks down the evidence in the case against Iraq.
Tonight, on the program about justice.
The Abrams Report.

COUNTDOWN: IRAQ (www.countdown.msnbc.com)
7PM - 8PM ET/ 4PM - 5PM PT
Tonight on Countdown: Iraq-
An exclusive interview with U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix.
The man in charge of sniffing out Saddam's bombs goes one-on-one with Raghida Dergham.
Lester Holt hosts Countdown: Iraq.

DONAHUE (www.donahue.msnbc.com) 
8PM - 9PM ET/ 5PM - 6PM PT
Understanding why bad things happen to good people.
And how family and friends can make the first steps toward healing.
Join Phil and a live studio audience.
Tonight on Donahue.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS (www.hardball.msnbc.com)
9PM - 10PM ET/ 6PM - 7PM PT
The Secretary of State prepares to make his case against Iraq.
Headed to the U.N. with new evidence and sharper focus.
Does he have the proof he needs?  
And can he convince the foreign leaders who don't support the White House plan to oust 
Tonight on Hardball with Chris Matthews.  
MSNBC REPORTS (www.msnbcreports.msnbc.com)
10PM - 11PM ET/ 7PM - 8PM PT
Inside the Laci Peterson case.
More shocking allegations aimed at Scott Peterson as the search for his wife Laci 
MSNBC Reports, Tonight at 10.

*Schedule subject to change.


For more info, go to http://www.msnbc.com/news/MSNBCCABLE_Front.asp

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