Tuesday, January 28, 2003

*****TONIGHT on AMERICA'S NEWSCHANNEL...MSNBC is the place for complete coverage of 
the State of the Union address...

Starting TONIGHT at 8 eastern, catch a special edition of Hardball with Chris 
Matthews, as Chris and a panel of political insiders preview the State of the Union 
Address. Then at 9p ET, stay tuned for President Bush's State of the Union Address... 
And immediately following the address, we'll have expert analysis and reaction 
followed by another LIVE edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews at 11p ET. Click here 
for more info: <http://www.msnbc.com/news/863892.asp>*****

Now onto tonight's lineup:

NACHMAN (www.nachman.msnbc.com)
5PM - 6PM ET/ 2PM - 3PM PT
It's the Senators' roundtable...
Sen. Wayne Allard(R-CO), Sen. Evan Bayh(D-IN), Sen. Kay Hutchinson,(R-TX) and Sen. 
Mary Landrieu (D-LA) debate the major issues President Bush will be addressing this 
Tonight on NACHMAN.  

THE ABRAMS REPORT (www.abramsreport.msnbc.com)
6PM - 7PM ET/ 3PM - 4PM PT
Dan's LIVE from Modesto, California where the desperate 
search for Laci Peterson continues. 
With Scott Peterson admitting on national television that he was cheating on Laci...
Are police any closer to cracking the case?
The very latest from the heart of the investigation.
Tonight, on the program about justice.
The Abrams Report.
COUNTDOWN: IRAQ (www.countdown.msnbc.com)
7PM - 8PM ET/ 4PM - 5PM PT
Join Lester Holt LIVE from Kuwait with an EXCLUSIVE report 
aboard the U.S.S. Constellation, where American troops are ready to 
react to a call for war.
Lester Holt brings you the latest from the Gulf.
Tonight on Countdown: Iraq.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS-LIVE (www.hardball.msnbc.com)
8PM - 9PM ET/ 5PM - 6PM PT
Previewing the President's address are Newsweek chief political reporter Howard 
Fineman, former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan, former Gore campaign manager Donna 
Brazile, and Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell.  

STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS will air LIVE at 9PM eastern. 
***Following the address, prominent political voices including Sen. John McCain 
(R-AZ), former Sen. Dick Armey (R-TX), Sen. John Warner (R-VA), Sen. Saxby Chambliss 
(R-GA) and Bush biographer Bill Minutaglio join Chris to dissect the State of the 
Union, HARDBALL STYLE.  Bringing you complete coverage until 12amET.*** 

*******PLEASE NOTE********
MSNBC will return to it's regularly scheduled programming tomorrow night with an 
all-new episode of "The Hardball College Tour" at 9p eastern with scheduled guests, 
Former Congressman Joe Scarborough, Editor "The Nations" Katrina vanden Heuvel, & "New 
York Observer's" Joe Conason , LIVE from Seton Hall University. For more info. and a 
sneak peek at upcoming guests on "The Hardball College Tour", go to 
http://www.msnbc.com/modules/tvnews/Hardball_CollegeTour/ .

*Schedule subject to change.


For more info, go to http://www.msnbc.com/news/MSNBCCABLE_Front.asp

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