                        Primetime on MSNBC:  Wednesday, July 21, 2004
THE ABRAMS REPORT (6PM ET/3PM PT) <http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com> 
        Missing Utah Woman:
It's been 48 hours since Lori Hacking disappeared, now Detective Dwayne Baird of the 
Lake City Police Department sheds some light on the search for missing pregnant woman. 

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS (7PM ET/4PM PT) <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
        A New Game Plan?:
Former Clinton staffer and now former Kerry advisor, Sandy Berger, is under fire in 
9/11 investigation.   He tells Chris how his sudden departure from the Kerry/Edwards
team will impact the party's game plan at the convention.

        The Sandy Berger Controversy:
Senator John McCain (R-Ariz), Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV), and Senator Saxby 
(R-Ga.), tell Chris their views on the ongoing investigation of Sandy Berger. 
COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN (8PM ET/5PM PT) <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
        Long Distance Families:
When mothers and fathers are on the front lines how do you keep families together?
Keith takes a look at how technology is keeping American soldiers and their families 
connected, despite the distance.

        Tarzan's Tiger Murdered:
A wildlife officer shot and killed his tiger "Bobo".  Now, former Tarzan actor Steve 
Sipek, speaks out on the wild, ongoing investigation.

        Salt Lake City Missing Woman: 
Chris Smart, uncle of Elizabeth Smart, is assisting with the search to find Lori 
See how he's using his experience to help find the missing Utah woman.

HARDBALL SPECIAL (9PM ET/6PM PT) <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5469870/>
        Hardball Special Edition: The 12 Missed Chances That Could Have Prevented 9/11
NBC's Lisa Myers joins Chris Matthews for an extraordinary investigation of policies, 
procedures, and preparedness. A special edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews, 
at 9-Eastern on MSNBC. When you need to know the truth, America's Watching MSNBC.
SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY (10PM ET/7PM PT) <http://joe.msnbc.com>
        Are We Really Ready?:
With the Democratic National Convention just days away, is America better prepared for 
terror attack than before 9/11?  Joe finds out why Stephen Flynn and Ann Coulter are 
saying, "absolutely not!"

        The Search Continues:
She's an expecting mother - who's been missing for 48 hours.
Get the latest in what is being done to find Lori Hacking from a former FBI insider.

SNEAK PEEK: Tomorrow at 9pET...John & Patsy Ramsey tell Deborah what they're doing now 
move on with their lives on "Deborah Norville Tonight."
*Schedule subject to change.


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